Borderlands Save Editor (Revision 10)

This editor is no longer being updated and does not support newer Borderlands patches. It is highly recommended that you use WillowTree# instead.

Newer build of my Borderlands save editor, fixes the problem with editing Roland (Soldier) saves, as well as several other minor changes and fixes.

Borderlands Save Editor


If you encounter any problems (crashes, etc), feel free to comment this post.

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1,864 Responses to “Borderlands Save Editor (Revision 10)”

  1. Kasdar says:

    hey R|A could you add a column for the weapon type to that database? i.e. shotgun, revolver, sniper rifle?

  2. JackQW says:


    In a Borderlands.exe with SHA-1 matching D24274431FF398CFCFD0A12E91051226A348EE5D …
    At offset 0x001715F9, replace 0x74 with 0xEB.
    That ignores .u hash failures.

    In Engine.u with SHA1- matching B90CE305AE9A338D96C0D4A60DC47BAEDEABDC9A …
    At offset 0x000DBEFF, replace { 0x73, 0x61, 0x79, 0x20 } “say ” with { 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20 } ” ” (4 spaces)

    Set the console key up in the input .ini, and you’re all set.

  3. Polymorph says:

    @JackQW Did my save file help any?

  4. Kraven says:

    Anyone have the code for a good Corrosion SMG with Ammo Regen?

  5. JackQW says:

    @ Polymorph, RyuConnor

    Headers for PS3 followed by PC

    Looks like just byte order… but could be more.
    Will wrap up a quick preliminary recompile with PS3 (and possibly Xbox 360) support.

  6. R|A says:

    @ Kasdar, Yeah I have it set up in the db, I guess I forgot to add the option.

  7. lazor says:

    “[Window Title]
    C:\Program Files (x86)\2K Games\Gearbox Software\Borderlands\Binaries\Borderlands.exe

    The version of this file is not compatible with the version of Windows you’re running. Check your computer’s system information to see whether you need an x86 (32-bit) or x64 (64-bit) version of the program, and then contact the software publisher.


    Once I saved it the icon vanished and I got that error whenever I tried launching the game.

    Could you possibly upload your exe so I could see if that works?

  8. lazor says:

    Nevermind, I got it working.

    Thanks a holy shit ton.

  9. lazor says:

    A lot of the commands don’t seem to work :/

  10. Jason says:

    dont forget to add your creations!

  11. Thomas says:


    Got any idea for the offset of the steam binaries?

  12. SolidSnake916 says:

    R|A, add an area for a link to the itemcards, or internally let them be uploaded or something, so people know what it looks like. Also, color code it like the game, white, green, blue, purple, light orange, dark orange. I dont know if your doing that or not but it will be much more professional looking lol.

    By the way, the console trick, what commands can be ran, can any lists be generated? Also is this for the retail version, steam version or trymedia version?

  13. LinguaFranca says:

    Anyone have ideas on how to determine body colors and style? I’d like to recreate the look of a grey and red Hyperion SMG, but I sold it before making a copy of the save so I don’t have the data. It also had a kinda unique name, though it was just a white weapon – Red something.

    Great work on the editor! I’m really looking forward to seeing how far this can go!

  14. Poondizzler says:

    here is a pretty decent shotgun


  15. Dark Pulse says:

    Any possibility of allowing a user to, say, “dump” a gun into a file, and then have the editor able to load/save these dumps? This way, if we ever see a gun we want, all we have to do is load up the editor, then tell it to put this gun (saved as a file) into a inventory slot. Likewise, if we get a gun or item we can’t use until a higher level, but we know we want to save it, we can then load the editor, tell it to “Save this gun” or “Save this item” and it’ll save it as a file on the hard drive.

    Short of infinite storage, that’s the next best thing.

  16. Calafate says:

    Thanks gir489 for that wiki, will help a lot to create weapons from 0. And R|A for the webpage wich allows sharing weapons. With this 2 websites this is gonna be really good πŸ™‚

  17. Drak says:

    Here’s a hunter class mod I worked out.

    Sniper mod
    Level 48
    +95% critical damage.
    +4 focus
    +3 Caliber
    +3 Carrion Call
    +19 Sniper ammo regen

    TYPE — gd_CommandDecks.A_Item.Item_CommandDeck_Mordecai
    GRADE — gd_itemgrades.Gear.ItemGrade_Gear_ComDeck_Mordecai
    QUALITY — 5
    BODY — gd_CommandDecks.Body_Mordecai.Mordecai_Sniper
    LEFT SIDE — gd_CommandDecks.LeftSide.leftside6
    RIGHT SIDE — gd_CommandDecks.RightSide.rightside6
    MATERIAL — gd_CommandDecks.ManufacturerMaterials.Material_Vladof_3
    MANUFACTURER — gd_manufacturers.Manufacturers.Vladof
    PREFIX — gd_CommandDecks.Prefix.Prefix_Mordecai_Sniper
    TITLE — gd_CommandDecks.Title.Title_ComDeckMordecai

    +4 Caliber
    LEFT SIDE — gd_CommandDecks.LeftSide.leftside6b

    +4 Carrion Call
    LEFT SIDE — gd_CommandDecks.LeftSide.leftside6c

  18. SinnerG says:

    I’m currently working on a tool to actually trade weapons for other weapons / money!

    Once I have public beta I’ll announce it here πŸ™‚

  19. derp says:

    any chance you could make the editor remember the window size or more importantly the field sizes under weapons/items so we dont need to go stretch the whole list out everytime we launch the editor to play with weapon stats (bonus points for using a .ini file)? my apologies if this is just my system being wonky

  20. Fourth says:

    Also for class mods if you change the materials to 2 the last mod you get will be different but still the highest possible value.
    For soldiers support it changes clipsize to accuracy

  21. Jin says:

    @ Dark Pulse: As for loading, hopefully he will add the function (as well as a proper dump file) but for now you can save guns in a crude fashion by highlighting the entire string and simply copy it and paste it into notepad or some other relative program. I mean, i’ve been using it and even though it’s tedious implementing each section back into the fields at least I have a copy of the assembly for future modifications / usage.

  22. FYIGeek says:

    I cant get it to load my save file, it said {unsupported borderlands save file version (33554432)
    I got it right off my ps3 save directory, SAVE0001.SAV.

    So whats the deal?
    Am i using the wrong tool to edit it or what…

  23. Dark Pulse says:

    @ Jin: Yes, that’s what I’m currently doing. It’s just a lot more of a pain in the ass to copy each field one by one than it would be to just click a “Save Gun” button and have it put out a nice little file or whatever. :p

    @ FYIGeek: PS3 and 360 saves aren’t supported in the current r10 build. Supposedly they will be in r11.

  24. FYIGeek says:

    Dark Pulse, “S3 and 360 saves aren’t supported” aww that sucks ass.
    Man when will it be coming out, i hate starting over?

  25. FYIGeek says:

    Actually i heard that you can edit your LvL and Talent Points by opening the save file with hex editor.
    anyone know what the line is for that?

  26. Bryce says:

    @JackQW I originally pirated the game, but I have since bought it from bestbuy, I have the pirated exe because I am just too lazy to reinstall the game, is the offset the same for my exe? I can send it to you if you would like to take a look.

  27. Bryce says:

    @JackQW Nevermind the location is the same and your edit worked πŸ˜€

  28. Bryce says:

    Does anyone have a list of console commands?

  29. lazor says:

    There’s also some you can find in the ini

    But a good bit don’t seem to work, we need to rectify this somehow.

  30. Bryce says:

    it would be really great if noclip worked.

  31. lazor says:

    I’m more interested in editactor

  32. D3mon_Hunt3r says:

    Have you been able to discover the code part that referers to the active weapon slot, edited the ini file now i got 9 active weapons but only 4 are editable the rest i can drop them and fill them by picking up.

  33. Batesy says:

    Whenever I try to make a new weapon with this editor, it always turns out great apart from the damage, which is usually under 10. Help?

  34. elevator13 says:

    @Batesy: try editing the quality, a higher number means a higher level requirement but overall better stats. Also, try changing the body type to body5 for a large damage/fire rate boost.

  35. Dark_Rak3r says:

    What elemental bullets would you guys say are the strongest (e.g. machinegun, sniper, SMG, etc)? I’ve got a set of guns using the Hellfire bullets that I like, and want to create an explosive, corrosive, and shock set.

  36. Dark_Rak3r says:

    EDIT: Sorry, I know all gus use the same bullets, but are there any special bullets for each elemental type that are good? Like for SMGs there’s the Hellfire bullets, and for snipers there’s the Volcano bullets.

  37. Batesy says:

    Yeah thanks elevator13 this seemed to work well for editing weapons. It was just earlier today when I was trying to make weapons from scratch, they would turn out with everything I wanted except damage. I probably mucked up somewhere or something. Thanks anyway.

  38. Mordhel says:

    Anyone have a Dahl Penetrator sniper rifle coding? Preferably purple? I’ve been trying to find one but can’t seem to get it right.

  39. JackQW says:

    The next release of the editor will have Big Endian (PS3/XBox360) capability.

    I’m betting it’ll work 100%. Good job Rick.

  40. 282588 says:

    i lost my artifact texts (for Brick)
    i tried… first artifact is
    gd_Skills2_Brick.ActionElemental.ExplosivePunch (works)

    artifacts unavaible… i cant choose them.

    please help for bricks artifact texts…

  41. SinnerG says:

    Hey everyone, if you wish to follow my progress in a tool to trade items, follow the thread found @ πŸ™‚

    Thank you again Rick for your great work πŸ™‚

  42. @Dark_Rak3r:
    For elemental bullets I generally use gd_weap_revolver_pistol.acc.acc5_Atlas_Chimera which cycles through the elemental effects, explosions seem the most popular though, then corrosive, then shock, then fire, at least for me.

    On a side note, while it doesn’t do a lot of damage the gd_weap_repeater_pistol.UniqueParts.TheDove_barrel4 has to be my favorite barrel because it doesn’t use ammo and I tend to make high rate of fire guns, mix this with gd_weap_repeater_pistol.Sight.sight5_Hyperion_Invader and the chimera and you’ve got a pretty mean machine no matter what the gun (I find a shotgun with high accuracy does wonders).

  43. Jason says:

    can anyone tell me what part to edit to increase the health% stat on a shield? i cant figure out how to do it, its sitting at 40% need it to be 60% πŸ™

  44. FatSephy says:

    Title: gd_shields.Title.Title_Torgue1_ToughGuyShield = +HP Boost Type

    I suspect that the Material determines the % bonus.

    Material: gd_shields.ManufacturerMaterials.Material_Torgue_3 (2 would be 40%, 1 would be 30%)

    I could be wrong though.

  45. RyuConnor says:

    I have grabbed the beta (alpha?) revision 12 from the svn and compiled it. It does understand the PS3 .sav file perfectly, but upon adding the Little Endian checkmark and then saving the PS3 file anew, the PC version of Borderlands still considers the file corrupt. I’m not sure if I’m doing something wrong or if there is more to carrying the save data between platform than simply changing the encoding.

  46. Polymorph says:

    All I know about the SVN version is that modifying a PS3 save and using it in PS3 Borderlands works perfectly. Great job Rick!

  47. R|A says:

    @ SolidSnake916

    I just updated the weapons db it to accept screenshots (no direct bmp’s though, jpg, gif, & pngs work) and thumbnail them if one’s uploaded, and it can list weapons by brand or weapon class. I’ll add in editing entries later.

  48. Erebus says:

    Im a bit confused i hope someone can help me out….. I take a code like this
    Type: gd_weap_assault_shotgun.A_Weapon.WeaponType_assault_shotgun
    Grade: gd_itemgrades.Weapons.ItemGrade_Weapon_AssaultShotgun
    Quality: 3
    manu: gd_manufacturers.Manufacturers.Vladof
    prefix: gd_weap_names_shared.Prefix_Tech.Prefix_DTExplosive2_Blast
    Title: gd_weap_assault_shotgun.Title.TitleM_Vladof1_Hammer
    Body: gd_weap_combat_shotgun.Body.body5
    grip: gd_weap_combat_shotgun.Grip.grip3a
    Mag: gd_weap_assault_shotgun.mag.mag3
    Barrel: gd_weap_combat_shotgun.Barrel.barrel5
    sight: gd_weap_combat_shotgun.Sight.sight5
    stock: gd_weap_combat_shotgun.Stock.stock1
    action: None
    accessory: gd_weap_assault_shotgun.acc.acc5_Vladof_Hammer
    Material: gd_weap_shared_materialparts.ManufacturerMaterials.Material_Vladof_1
    clip: 0

    And enter it in the corresponding boxes under the weapons tab. Save it and load it. Everything like money and exp comes up but not weapons?
    Thanks in advance.

  49. Lucretius says:

    Hey guys im interested to start making my weapons, i’ll mostly use shotguns what is the file i need to see for the list of the parts? Thanks