Borderlands Save Editor (Revision 9)

See new post for a new build.

Made an editor for Borderlands saves; seems stable enough for public consumption now.


If you encounter any problems (crashes, etc), feel free to comment this post.

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49 Responses to “Borderlands Save Editor (Revision 9)”

  1. Syntax42 says:

    Changing character class to Roland crashes the game. Hex editor revealed “gd_Roland.Character.CharacterClass_Mordecai” at the beginning of the file. Correcting the text did not resolve the issue. Game crashes on loading the level from my “corrected” file as well. Your program had an >1Mb string error when trying to open the “corrected” file.

    Also, the drop-down box for the character is blank when loading a proper Roland save. I think these two issues are related.

    On the plus side, I was able to successfully change to Brick. The game loaded and it seemed to automatically take away or ignore the Lilith skills I did not respec out of. I didn’t bother to save after to check the file.

  2. Rick says:

    Roland issue is a known problem and will be fixed in the next release, thanks for reporting it though. 🙂

  3. Annony says:

    Increasing the EXP which thereby increases the level DOES properly increase the health, correct?

    Great work. (:

  4. Darien says:

    Would be awesome is there was a list somewhere of all the choices to custom build our own weapons and whatnot…which manufacturer is better? Which stock does what? That kinda thing.

  5. Lucretius says:

    Hello, Im when i change the Location for example Lance bunker the game spawn at the arid badlands, for some reason doesnt save the spawn point selected, hope you can fix this on the next revision, good work so far, if u can fix the spawn point it would be awesome

  6. Rick says:

    The game checks to see if you can actually start at that location, so if you’re trying to set yourself somewhere you can’t already access it won’t work.

  7. Thomas says:

    Anyway to edit the weapon stat values? Excellent tool btw <3

  8. Rick says:

    Not possible through saves, other than changing the components of the weapon, which influence the stats.

  9. Syntax42 says:

    Some info for future features:
    Changing the 22nd position after the character class to a 1 unlocks playthrough 2. This is also the first position after the 4th and final byte of the money data. I’ll post more info if anything changes when playthrough 2 is completed, after I actually do it.

    The sixth position after the final ASCII code for each item affects the level requirement. Valid range is 0 to 5, with 5 making the item level 48. This boosts the stats on the item to that level.

  10. Rick says:

    Yeah, both known – the “level requirement” you mention is mislabeled as “Is Equipped” in the weapons list in rev9, and is fixed for future release. The playthrough unlock I know about too.


  11. Syntax42 says:

    Looks like you’re a step ahead of me then.

    I completed the second playthrough and I did not see any change in or near the completion byte.

    The only things left to do is decipher the quest completion code and figure out how the item generator works. I don’t have time to do either, nor do I have a tool to help me analyze the item generation.

    Great work so far! Good luck!

  12. Thomas says:

    i noticed some weapons don’t allow the 5th tier of level requirement (level 48) i set a weapon to this tier and it won’t go above level 36.

  13. Thomas says:

    also i’m tinkering around with the weapon pieces. seems the parameters only allow for 1-5 differentials of each piece.

  14. Syntax42 says:

    Equipped weapons are bugged and do not show the correct level requirement. Drop it out of your inventory and check again, Thomas.

  15. Bonzay0 says:

    nice work, really easy to change stuff with the hex and easier with this editor, however some stuff are missing in the editor that should be add I hope in
    next update. well about the lvl of item you forgot to add it to the item list which is also have the 0-5 lvl change.
    another thing I must ask is can you enable the option to copy paste the tables/raws/colums so I wont need to copy each line?
    another thing you guys should search is the itemgrade list so we will be able to make our own items easily all the other stuff like
    barrel/body and those stuff can be found in the “2K Games\Gearbox Software\Borderlands\WillowGame\Localization\INT” directory.
    I’m still testing some weapon changes with the editor to see limits and effects it makes. but I must have itemgrade to make it more stable.

  16. Syntax42 says:

    Another feature I thought of that should be in there is the save slot as recognized by the game. Simply naming a file 0001 will not guarantee it saves to that spot when the game saves. If the save slot is 2, the game will overwrite your 0002 file. Read this link for information on it:

  17. Rick says:

    Bonzay0 – Please read my previous comments in this post, I’ve already commented on the scaler value. As for copying, it’s odd that you can’t, I’ve used DataGrid before and it let you copy/paste. As for easier editing of weapons/items, that will come eventually.
    Syntax42 – Thanks, I wasn’t aware of that, that will be in the next release.

  18. Mags says:

    Great tool thanks, saved me some hassle since the game save werent working proper.

    My question is if the gun stats aren’t in the game saves where are they I want a destroyer of worlds gun! 🙂 I wanna be a walking death star!

  19. Kinker says:

    How did you figure out the hashing/encryption? What did they use? (I assume there is some since just changing the file in a hex editor causes the game to crash)

  20. Rick says:

    There is none.

  21. Social comments and analytics for this post…

    This post was mentioned on Reddit by riff1: well.
    there goes every last bit of fairness this game had….

  22. gir489 says:

    Are you going to add combo boxes for the weapon slots so we can easily edit weapons?

  23. InternetExpert says:

    I’ve been going through the trainer and noticed you can’t even edit your weapon proficiencies.

    What’s that all about?

  24. lolsiren says:

    Will there ever be a “patch” or update to where players can message people on there friends list about certain topics and do they have plans on installing sort of like a battle ground to where players can go and PvP against each other?

  25. John Smith says:


    if you guys are looking for item part codes for use with the editor, are you aware of this site? I’ve used it quite often and the descriptions of each part are very accurate, though i dont think that it is a complete data base yet (look at the sniper rifles section and then compare it to the other sections to see what i mean)

  26. cluelessmodder says:

    i cant get it to work 🙁

  27. Seb says:

    trying it now =)

  28. Hasan says:

    looks great

  29. Fraggot says:

    @ Kinker, there is some syntax that must be observed such as a byte at the start of every chunk of info that sets the number of entries in that chunk. eg, if you have 21 skill entries then the byte at the beginning must be 21. incorrect setting will result in the game crash, or the list of saved games showing a “corrupted” file.

  30. Adis says:

    Heloo,is there any posibility to add items on this editors?

  31. Mark Greenwood says:

    is there a site were i can get the codes for shields and guns at. by codes i mean the code’s you enter under weapons.

  32. Club Penguin says:

    You need to update daily you do a good job

  33. […] this . __________________ ╔══╗♫…TheSixtyOne Profile […]

  34. antoine says:

    how can i use this editor ?

  35. The brand-new Puffle Rescue mini-game is going to be arriving this week in CP. Can’t wait to check it out.

  36. groum says:

    what site do you download willow tree

    • first you got to go to and type willow tree download then you will find many other different sites ok see ya add me ps3

      ( * Y * )

  37. […] you shouldnt have made it in the first place A: Yeah? No. If I didn't, someone else would have. Oh wait, someone did! If not WillowTree, then Gibbed's editor. If not Gibbed's editor, then someone else. People are […]

  38. derekyip421 says:

    Hello I am wondering that how can I make the weapon in this editor ?
    Thx a lot guys

  39. SirK says:

    Whats the format for editting each weapon proficiency? I can’t find it anywhere

  40. Vikings says:

    Whats the format for editting each weapon proficiency? I can’t find it anywhere

  41. Jim Elson says:

    Looks like 2K or Sonyhas changed the save formats of the Borland Saves. Both Gibbed and willowtree throwup when trying to open the saves in the respective editors. Can you help or is there a patch forth comming?? The name of the file that is created now is BLUS30386-SAVE-SAVE0002 as an example. About a week ago, Sony sent a memo when I signed on that Borland DB was rebuilt. I do not know if this has any bearing or not.
    Please advise.

  42. Pilar Roaoo says:

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  43. gene says:

    I am unable to download Please help Download with line through it Thank You in Advance Gene Rademacher

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    Borderlands Save Editor (Revision 9) « Rick’s Game Stuff