Borderlands Save Editor (Revision 10)

This editor is no longer being updated and does not support newer Borderlands patches. It is highly recommended that you use WillowTree# instead.

Newer build of my Borderlands save editor, fixes the problem with editing Roland (Soldier) saves, as well as several other minor changes and fixes.

Borderlands Save Editor


If you encounter any problems (crashes, etc), feel free to comment this post.

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1,864 Responses to “Borderlands Save Editor (Revision 10)”

  1. vongrauten says:

    Where do I get the svn version, or how do I patch rev10 with the pastbin stuff? I’m confused

  2. Jin says:

    I’ve been playing around on what causes the elemental modifier to go up and down and I have a small hypothesis. Of course, the sample size is too small to make an absolute guess but so far so good.

    So, I made 9 Tediore SMG’s, divided into 3 categories (based on variated parts between the three categories; all with the explosive modifer).

    Specs: These all reaped x3 Blast modifers
    HX 550-B Detonating Stinger
    HX 550-B Detonating Bruiser
    HX 550-B Blast Stinger

    Specs: These all reaped x2 Blast modifiers
    TEK550-B Detonating Stinger
    TEK550-B Detonating Anarchy
    TEK550-B Blast Stinger

    Specs: These all reaped x1 Blast modifiers
    KKA540-B Detonating Stinger
    KKA540-B Detonating SMG
    KKA540-B Blast Stinger

    I was too lazy to see if I could obtain a x4 Blast weapon, but I recall having an Incendiary x4 on a launcher which I unfortunately dropped in game.

    Fact of the matter is, I don’t think the generic elemental indicator titles (Detonating, Blast, etc) or prefixes affect the elemental multiplier. However, I can’t say that all titles or prefixes have no effect since i’ve only tested 9 guns. I believe the multiplier comes about from the assembly of parts. As I stated before, between those three categories different parts were used, which changed the multiplier.

    I dunno if this has been stated before, or even even anyone cares (since to me I did hence why I experimented lol) but I just wanted to point that out. This is in no way 100% correct and is probably prone to error though.

  3. Jin says:


    I tried switching the Tediores to Maliwans and I was able to assemble A Blastx4 SMG.

    It was from the x2 blast modifer category which means each manufacturer also plays a part in the multiplier process; fascinating.

    I will still try to see if I can obtain an x4 Blast Tediore though.

  4. Sanctum says:

    ^ Cool, I guess i’ll have to rearrange stuff on my maliwan to get a x4 corrosive then?

    Anyways, I was wondering if there was a list somewhere on what manufacturers produce. Thing is, when I create items I want to try to follow the loot table. E.g. I don’t think Jacobs make SMGs, at least I haven’t seen one like ever so I wouldn’t want to try to make a Jacobs SMG? (Unless someone can prove me wrong that it is possible for a NATURAL Jacobs SMG to drop).

    So yeah, is it only Jacobs that only create certain items and the rest of the manufacturers have weaponry from all classes? Or are some manufactures like Jacobs in that they don’t create certain weapons? Thanks in advance to someone who might know the answer!

  5. vongrauten says:

    How do I get a ps3 save to work on this editor? Can anyone help?

  6. Bhodi says:

    Type: gd_weap_sniper_rifle.A_Weapon.WeaponType_sniper_rifle
    Grade: gd_itemgrades.Weapons.ItemGrade_Weapon_SniperRifle
    Quality: 5
    manu: gd_manufacturers.Manufacturers.Jakobs
    prefix: gd_weap_sniper_rifle.Prefix.Prefix_Quality2_Hard
    Title: gd_weap_sniper_rifle.Title.TitleM_Jakobs1_SkullMasher
    Body: gd_weap_sniper_rifle.Body.body3
    grip: gd_weap_sniper_rifle.Grip.grip4
    Mag: gd_weap_machine_pistol.mag.mag3_SandS_Thanatos
    Barrel: gd_weap_sniper_rifle.Barrel.barrel4_Jakobs_Skullmasher
    sight: gd_weap_sniper_rifle.Sight.sight2
    stock: gd_weap_sniper_rifle.Stock.stock2
    action: None
    accessory: gd_weap_repeater_pistol.acc.acc5_Maliwan_Firehawk
    Material: gd_weap_shared_materialparts.ManufacturerMaterials.Material_Jakobs_1
    clip: 24

    6 way sniper with X4 fire. My own concoction. Very sweet.

    Defalut accessory is : gd_weap_sniper_rifle.acc.accnone
    also works great with a Material: gd_weap_shared_materialparts.Material.chaos

    also here are two great shields.

    The first is 1.4k Shield, 140ish recharge and +60% max health

    Unbreakable Muscleman

    Type: gd_shields.A_Item.Item_Shield
    Grade: gd_itemgrades.Gear.ItemGrade_Gear_Shield
    Quality: 5
    Body: gd_shields.Body.body3b_power
    LeftSide: gd_shields.LeftSide.leftside1
    RightSide: gd_shields.RightSide.rightside4
    Material: gd_shields.ManufacturerMaterials.Material_Torgue_3
    Manufacturer: gd_manufacturers.Manufacturers.Torgue
    Prefix: gd_shields.Prefix.Prefix_Max3_Unbreakable
    Title: gd_shields.Title.Title_Torgue2_MusclemanShield

    The Second has 1.1k(ish) shield and 130ish regen and has very fast health regen. This shield RAWKS.

    Unbreakable Panacea

    Type: gd_shields.A_Item.Item_Shield
    Grade: gd_shields.A_Item.Item_Shield
    Quality: 5
    Body: gd_shields.Body.body3b_power
    LeftSide: gd_shields.LeftSide.leftside1
    RightSide: gd_shields.RightSide.rightside4
    Material: gd_shields.ManufacturerMaterials.Material_Tediore_3
    Manufacturer: gd_manufacturers.Manufacturers.tediore
    Prefix: gd_shields.Prefix.Prefix_Max3_Unbreakable
    Title: gd_shields.Title.Title_Tediore3_PanaceaShield

    These are just a few of my attempts with this wonderful editor.

  7. Chawklit says:

    This works wonderfully! However, upon using it, and entering my game (to fix my roland who lost all of his skill points to glitch, no less), it says I am unable to save single player offline now! Moreover, this is on ALL my characters. What happened D;?

  8. Kopaczka says:

    Hi guys i need Gunslinger Class Mod whit ammo regeneration thnx

  9. plnbr says:

    please can someone send me a save with all guns min doing please? not have any weapon = /

  10. Blub says:

    thank you bhodi! been lookin for that shield with health reg 😛

    and ofc thanks for that great tool! its exciting to experiment with it ;D

  11. Lucretius says:

    Guys, i need the list of the various parts to make my weapons, where can find them ? Right now im combining with the one already in the savegame any help?

  12. Majik says:

    Hey this is great… I finished the game (both playthroughs) in less than a week and this adds heaps of replayability to the game… Its great to use to get access to those guns you want but have a better chance at winning the lotto lol…

    Anyway im a big fan of the Caustic weapons so i made a SMG that ticks away for 200+ on Lv37s crabs in the lost cave (My testing zone) and crits for close to 20k at lv5 quality (a Sniper is in the mix too just got to get a decent one)

    Pestilent The Blister (SMG)

    Type – gd_weap_patrol_smg.A_Weapon.WeaponType_patrol_smg
    Grade – gd_itemgrades.Weapons.ItemGrade_Weapon_PatrolSMG
    Quality – 1 through 5 (your choice)
    Manufacturer – gd_manufacturers.Manufacturers.Maliwan
    Prefix – gd_weap_names_shared.Prefix_Tech.Prefix_DTCorrosive4_Pestilent
    Title – gd_weap_combat_shotgun.Title.TitleU_Retail_Blister
    Body – gd_weap_patrol_smg.Body.body5
    Grip – gd_weap_patrol_smg.Grip.grip5
    Magazine – gd_weap_patrol_smg.mag.mag4
    Barrel – gd_weap_patrol_smg.Barrel.barrel5
    Sight – gd_weap_patrol_smg.Sight.sight5
    Stock – gd_weap_patrol_smg.Stock.stock5
    Action – None
    Accessory – gd_weap_revolver_pistol.acc.acc3_Maliwan_Defiler_Corrosive
    Material – gd_weap_shared_materialparts.ManufacturerMaterials.Material_Maliwan_1

    Now if you want you could change the following:

    Prefix – gd_weap_names_shared.Prefix_Tech.Prefix_DTIncendiary4_Combustion
    Title – gd_weap_patrol_smg.Title.TitleM_Maliwan1_HellFire
    Accessory – gd_weap_patrol_smg.acc.acc5_Maliwan_HellFire

    And you would end with a HX 550 Combustion Hellfire 😀

    The hellfire at max level is awesome!
    12.5 RoF
    55 Rounds
    92% Accuracy

    Have fun guys… I am >.<

    P.S I will post my sniper when im done

  13. Majik says:

    @ Lucretius

    C:\Program Files\2K Games\Gearbox Software\Borderlands\WillowGame\Localization\INT

    Thats is the default path for all your INT files but im not sure if your running it with STEAM (anything with “GD_” at the beggining is what your after)

  14. Kopaczka says:

    Hey are some one have Class Mod For Gunslinger whit ammo regeneration ??

  15. Lucretius says:

    Thanks a bunch Majik x1000 🙂

  16. baren says:

    this is my best SMG, its a double anarchy i upgraded, deadly against everything


    it really helps with dmg if you have the MERC mod for siren

  17. negativeone says:

    Kordy, i just saw your reply – how do i change my name?

  18. negativeone says:

    Oh, um. my name doesn’t have special characters, but it is saved in unicode for some reason.

  19. Sanelh12 says:

    hey guys, is there any way to change the weapon requirement level, i would really like to have some of these higher level weapons on my new character… Does anyone know how to do this, or what I have to change in the weapon descriptions?

  20. LoiteringKid says:

    i’v found that if you up your weapon proficiency to 50 the lvl 48 guns can be equipped through the editor and come up as lvl 36, but if you unequipped em they revert to thier proper lvl
    my findings are Q5=36 4=35 3=25 2=16 1=7
    happy hunting 😉

  21. Kolnedra says:

    Swift massacre – Whittings elephant gun

    tweaking around a bit with the elephant gun, and this came out, has a 66 clip on a soldier and it freaking rocks xD
    would love to get some advice how to upgrade it even further
    anyway here are the parts:

    type: gd_weap_sniper_rifle.A_Weapon.WeaponType_sniper_rifle
    grade: gd_customweapons.Weapons.CustomWeap_Sniper_ShepsElephantGun
    quality: 4
    manufacturer: gd_manufacturers.Manufacturers.Jakobs
    prefix: gd_weap_revolver_pistol.Prefix.Prefix_Firerate1_Swift
    title: gd_weap_support_machinegun.Title.Title_Accuracy1_Massacre
    body: gd_weap_sniper_rifle.Body.body4
    grip: gd_weap_sniper_rifle.Grip.grip5
    magazine: gd_weap_patrol_smg.UniqueParts.BoneShredder_mag5
    barrel: gd_weap_sniper_rifle.Barrel.barrel5
    sight: gd_weap_sniper_rifle.UniqueParts.ShepsElephantGun_sight_none
    stock: gd_weap_sniper_rifle.Stock.stock2
    action : gd_weap_repeater_pistol.Action.action5
    accessory: gd_weap_revolver_pistol.acc.acc3_Maliwan_Defiler_Corrosive
    material: gd_weap_sniper_rifle.UniqueParts.ShepsElephantGun_Material
    clip size: 6

  22. kane says:

    change quality to 5

  23. Polymorph says:

    Heh, nothing more fun than putting a mag4 in every slot of an SMG. with class mods, that amounts to a 348 bullet clip.

  24. Majik says:

    @ Sanelh12

    Change the quality of the weapon… Im not sure of the exact lv of each weapon as they are all different but they are usually foud like this

    Quality 0 = Lv1 – 9
    Quality 1 = Lv10 – 19
    Quality 2 = Lv20 – 29
    Quality 3 = Lv30 – 39
    Quality 4 = Lv40 – 45
    Quality 5 = Lv46 – 50

    That is just my guess based on what ive seen with the snipers, Combat rifles and SMGs

    @ Kolendra

    Thats a sweet sniper… saved me ALOT of time messin around lol now i have something to work with lol

  25. Majik says:

    OH i forgot to mention about my “Pestilent the Blister” SMG…

    It only crits 20k with Modecai and he has to have the 85% Crit sniper mod unit and his crit% maxed on each talent that provides it

    Also Kolendra… If you want to tweak that sniper further, change the quality to 5, and play around with the titles and accessories also if i work out (or anyone else does) how to increase the RoF without a huge drop in fire power i will let you know

  26. Majik says:

    Hmm now i have a question… Im posting like a madman today lol… Anyway

    Does anyone have an idea how i could rig a gun to shoot the Transfusion Grenades “type” of explosion? you know the little homing health signs? I think that would be a cool little unit.

  27. Erwing says:

    I think I’ve just about figure out the basics on class mods, I’ll post my theories and anyone else can feel free to test them and add to it. This is for anyone else who’s been curious about editing more than just weapons.

    It seems that the sides are the main stat boosters. I’ll post an example:


    x being a number, y being a letter. x is always there, but y may not be. I’ve seen y = b, and y = c, but not y = a, so I assume having no y is the same as y = a. Someone can test this if they wish.

    The left side seems to determine the skills the mod boosts, and by how much it boosts them. The right side seems to boost only the top modifier. (I.E., Mord’s Sniper mod boosts Sniper Rifle Critical Hit Damage, Focus, Caliber, and Carrion Call in that order. The left side will modify the skills, which are the 2nd through 4th lines, the right side will modify the stat, the top line.)

    x is the boost, essentially. It seems to cap out at 6, I haven’t tried any higher but 6 was the highest number I saw in the localization/INT folder. This makes the bonuses on the item better, and adds more skill boosts it seems. (an x = 1 on the left side will boost only 1 skill, upping it to 6 boosts all 3 possible skills)

    y, the letter, when on an item, determines which skill is the “main” skill, between the three skills it can possibly modify. I.E., for the left side on my Mord’s Sniper mod, adding 6b makes Caliber the +3, leaving Focus and Carrion Call at +2, for a Quality 2 (level 20-30) mod. A simple 6 had Focus as the +3, and the other two at +2. 6c seems to move the bonus to Carrion Call, making it the +3 and the others +2.

    Then, the material seems to add the 5th mod. I found a Jakobs Sniper mod with the material line ending in Jakobs_2, and it gives sniper accuracy. My other class mod has None in the material slot and has no 5th mod. I also saw someone’s sniper mod stats posted elsewhere with a Jakobs_3 with Ammo Regen, but no sniper accuracy.

    I have not yet found a way to add all 6 possible mods to one class mod, or to swap, say, Carrion Call for Ammo Regen. I’m also not sure how to increase the 5th line mod’s effectiveness. However, with this much info so far, once tested and confirmed, we’re well on our way to making decent class mods.

  28. thescorpion420 says:

    In a newer revision do you think there is any way you could make it so you could export certain items, weapons and whatnot into a shareable file. Importing i’d imagine would also be in the same vein. It would make sharing items a whole hell of a lot easier.

  29. Erwing says:

    I also just finished checking out shields. I don’t know the number limits on shields yet but their format seems to be similar to class mods, the main differences being the prefix and the manufacturer bonus. You can find lists of those at the Borderlands wiki Shield page and plug them into a shield.

    A cursory examination seems to suggest that the left side determines capacity, and the right side determines recharge rate. The manufacturer obviously determines the bonus listed in the text field, and the prefix obviously modifies whichever attribute you choose to add the prefix for.

    The trick to making the manufacturer bonuses work is to enter the right manufacturer and number in the Material field (I.E., gd.shields.ManufacturerMaterials.Material_Anshin_3 under Material, and gd.shields.Title.Title_Anshin3_AmbushShield under Title for “Super Fast Recharge!” If you don’t have both numbers matching, then you’ll have the Material bonus in the text field but the Title’s name in the weapon name., from what I’ve seen

    The prefix field seems relatively simple. Impenetrable, for the highest capacity, is “gd.shields.Prefix.Prefix_Max4_Impenetrable” Max4 refers to Max for Capacity, and 4 for the degree (which is the actual rank of the prefix), and Impenetrable for the actual prefix. The list of prefixes on the wiki shield page helps a lot with this.

    I’m not sure what you’d replace “Max” with if you’d choose to use something else, though, but you can go search through med machines to find something similar to what you want and see how it’s named. There also may or may not be letters involved as with “y” in the class mods. This is a pretty good basis to start from though if you want to try shield modding.

  30. Mr T says:

    Erwing, iv noticed that i can have a unbreakable Max3 shield with that same capacity as the Max4 impenetrable to me it seems like something else is modifying it. I can get a 1400 or a 1600 but with a recharge of 260 or somthing like that. But i cant seem to get a 1900+ with that same recharge it changes to damn much on me >_< need more time to play

  31. Xeno21153 says:

    Here’s my custom made weps, please post more weps, and tell me how are they.(fire based weps, also hope your com can support the shotgun)

    SNIPER :







    Also, please post a kickass rocket launcher,any elemental except for electric and corrosive elementals.

    Hope they help.

  32. Xeno21153 says:

    Oh, and also thnx Rick for this KICKASS program.

  33. Antaeus says:

    ok so i made this sick rifle, but when i join someone elses online game it suddenly gets nerfed and i have to exit and remake it (or restore from a backup save).

    i can host a game and keep the gun, but if i join anyone elses i lose it.

    any ideas?


  34. Antaeus says:

    its also worth mentioning that rifle hits for alot more than the stats indicate, iv seen body shots of 10k on equal level mobs with that thing.

    ill post up the parts when i get home from work in a few hours,

  35. Antaeus says:

    and that was when i was using it at quality 3, lvl 33.

    sorry for the spam, no edit post option

  36. Mr T says:

    i’d REALLY like to know the parts on that sniper i have an idea on one more mod to add but damn that things nice as hell not able to log in where ur at by chance are ya? i can do a save with it and can post up for u also

  37. XWolf says:

    Sorry about the double post, hit tab too many times and hadn’t finished my answer.
    About that sniper. Most likely because of; 1. you’ve edited other parts of your savegame other servers will try to reset.
    2. If you’ve edited your .inis, you game get’s “reloaded” upon entering another room. 3. (The most likely) you’ve got at least ONE part to the sniper
    rifle that isn’t correct, so even though the rifle works fine, it’ll get changed to None in that one slot and on another server a random part will be applied to it, totally screwing up the rifle.

  38. Feyted says:

    Just curious as I don’t have Borderlands (yet) but I have been looking at many sites and reading up on stuff. With regards to a weapon’s prefix, does that determine the bonus applied. What I mean is do you only name the part in the prefix section to get the effect or is it somewhere else. I only ask because the title seems to be repeated in the acc as well and am curious as to why some people do this and others do not.

    Thanks in advance,

  39. Xeno21153 says:

    Here is a list of parts that might be useful for those who are making their own weapons.

    Notable parts

    gd_weap_patrol_smg.Grip.grip4_gearbox – I dont know whaat it does.- place in grip

    gd_weap_combat_shotgun.mag.mag2_Dahl_Bulldog -extends the amount of ammo per clip if you’re planning to mod a shotgun – place in magazines

    gd_weap_support_machinegun.UniqueParts.TheMeatGringer_mag5 – I’m not too sure on this ,but I think it extends the ammo per clip for machine guns – place in magazines

    gd_weap_repeater_pistol.UniqueParts.TheDove_barrel4 – I was TOLD that this piece is supposed to give you infinte ammo,not sure wheter it applies for all guns – place in barrel

    gd_weap_sniper_rifle.UniqueParts.Nailer_barrel3 – supposedly increases your sniper rifle stats.(critical hits, accuracy, etc) – place in barrel

    gd_weap_combat_shotgun.UniqueParts.SledgesShotgun_barrel2 – Creates that effect where all your ammo is unloaded on to the target ,until reloading is required – place in barrel

    gd_weap_rocket_launcher.UniqueParts.Leviathan_barrel1_3shot – Rockets fired will arc in their path, like a mortar – place in barrel

    gd_weap_rocket_launcher.Barrel.barrel1_Vladof_Mongol – Rockets fired will release smaller rockets until the main rocket is destroyed – place in barrel

    gd_weap_sniper_rifle.Barrel.barrel4_Jakobs_Skullmasher – Snipers using this part will shoot six bullets at once.(much like a shotgun,but more accurate) – place in barrel

    gd_weap_rocket_launcher.Barrel.barrel1_helix – 3 rockets will be fired in a triangular, twisting motion – place in barrel

    gd_weap_sniper_rifle.UniqueParts.ShepsElephantGun_sight_none – Supposedly increases your sniper rifles power(not yet confirmed) – place in sights

    gd_weap_sniper_rifle.acc.acc2_Maliwan_Volcano_Incendiary – Bullets cause fire damage as well as ‘splash’ damage ,meaning if you hit a group of enemies, they will catch fire – place in accessory

    gd_weap_patrol_smg.acc.acc5_Maliwan_HellFire – Similar to the above except does not cause ‘splash’ damage and size of fire is smaller – place in accessory

    gd_weap_rocket_launcher.UniqueParts.TheRoaster_acc5_Incendiary – Rockets cause fire damage everytime it hits – place in accessory

    gd_weap_sniper_rifle_semiauto.acc.acc4_Deep – Increases your sniper rifle stats(stats yet to be recorded) – place in accessory

    gd_weap_revolver_pistol.acc.acc3_Maliwan_Defiler_Corrosive – Bullets cause corrosive damage – place in accessory

    gd_weap_assault_shotgun.acc.acc5_Vladof_Hammer – bullets cause X 3 Explosive damage.(P.S. please post a weapon that has X 4 Explosive damage, thanks) – place in accessory

    gd_weap_sniper_rifle.acc.acc4_Heavy – increases your sniper rifle stats(Unknown stats) – place in accessory

    gd_weap_combat_shotgun.acc.acc1_Jagged – Shotgun with this will have a spike as well as a melee bonus – place in accessory

    gd_weap_combat_shotgun.acc.acc2_Frenzied – Supposedly increases your shotgun stats(I think it was fire rate, not sure) – place in accessory

    gd_weap_machine_pistol.mag.mag3_SandS_Thanatos – Supposedly increases your magazine size – place in magazines

    Questions for the pro weapon maker:

    Does changing the title affect the stats?

    What is the purpose of prefixes?

    How can I change my clip size to 150+?

    How do I change my rate of fire?

    I tried having a scope for Whitting’s Elephant gun but it reduces my damage ,hoq do I workaround that?


    That aside, its been awhile since someone posted a kickass machine gun, no?

    Thnx again Rick for this wonderful wonderful program which makes playing this game so much more fun.

    Hope this helps.

  40. ChR1S says:

    To Xeno21153

    gd_weap_sniper_rifle_semiauto.acc.acc2_Explosive_Torgue_Cobra ( causes x4 explosive dmg / works with all weapons )

  41. Xeno21153 says:

    To ChT1S,

    Thank you so much ,now I’ll be able to complete my uber shotgun. Thnx a bunch.

  42. Xeno21153 says:

    Srry abt the typo ChR1S.

  43. Mr. Wahzoo says:

    Thank you man, my savegame got all its skills wiped out, I needed this! Thanks.

  44. Majik says:

    For the pyro’s out there swap your hellfires

    Title to “gd_weap_sniper_rifle.Title.TitleM_Maliwan1_Volcano”
    Prefix to “none”
    Accessory to “gd_weap_sniper_rifle.acc.acc2_Maliwan_Volcano_Incendiary”

    and you’ve got 1 mean ass SMG… just a little tweaking 😉

  45. […]…r-revision-10/ tNok didn't respond, so I just edited my savegame with this. Works like a charm. __________________ […]

  46. MITH says:

    Here ya go my Sniper rifles

    Actually i using them on PT2…

    ** PPZ570 VICIOUS WRATH: 1 Hit KO almost everyting with innacurate fire except bosses… and criticals… well… sometimes u see 9999 damage (¿9999 is the MAX dmg we can deal?) on targets lvl 30 ~ 40… not tested with higgher lvl targets yet (45+)

    ** PPZ570 CHAOS CAUSTIC SNIPER when u fire u hit twice with 600+ corrosive dmg ( total: 1k+ dmg) and has chance of make an AOE shot; criticals… (dont remember…) TRY IT lol

    PPZ570 CHAOS CAUSTIC SNIPER (Dark Orange High Corrosive Semi Auto Sniper Rifle FTW)

    Damage: 682 x 2
    Accuracy: 94.6
    Fire Rate: 3.0
    Corrosive x4 (Normal Chance)
    3.2 Zoom
    +150% Critical

    LVL REQ: 44


















    PPZ570 VICIOUS WRATH (Dark Orange Massive Damage Semi Auto Sniper Rifle FTW)

    Damage: 1119
    Accuracy: 94.8
    Fire Rate: 3.2
    3.2x Weapon Zoom
    +156% Damage
    +55% Fire Rate
    +150% Critical Hit Damage

    LVL REQ: 44


















    Please, if some1 can make better versions of my Sniper Rifles post them, i want more “Final Damage” to my Vicious Wrath Sniper Rifle… also.. IDK how increase the “Elemental Chance Rate” to my Corrosive Rifle, feel free to experiment with them 🙂

    Sorry for my bad english.

  47. Din says:

    Here’s an amazing SMG I have had for a while now. I’ve upgraded the quality a few times and I STILL cannot find another SMG that can match this one at it’s range/accuracy. I also upgraded the scope, but it’s a bit overkill for such a short range weapon…

    Type: gd_weap_patrol_smg.A_Weapon.WeaponType_patrol_smg
    Grade: gd_itemgrades.Weapons.ItemGrade_Weapon_PatrolSMG
    Quality: 4 (change this to match your level)
    Manufacturer: gd_manufacturers.Manufacturers.tediore
    Prefix: gd_weap_names_shared.Prefix.Prefix_Projectiles1_Double
    Title: gd_weap_patrol_smg.Title.Title_LowAccuracy1_Anarchy
    Body: gd_weap_patrol_smg.Body.body5
    Grip: gd_weap_patrol_smg.Grip.grip1
    Magazine: gd_weap_patrol_smg.mag.mag2
    Barrel: gd_weap_patrol_smg.Barrel.barrel1
    Scope: gd_weap_patrol_smg.Sight.sight5 (you can change this to _none, 2, 3, or 4 if you feel the scope is too much)
    Stock: gd_weap_patrol_smg.Stock.stock1
    Action: None
    Accessory: gd_weap_patrol_smg.acc.acc4_Double
    Material: gd_weap_shared_materialparts.ManufacturerMaterials.Material_Tediore_2
    Clip Size?: 28

    Anybody want the stats to a 180ish x7 Revolver that has regenerating ammo?
    Here’s the magazine (no clue if this is what gives it the ammo): gd_weap_revolver_pistol.mag.mag5

    OH and btw, I’ve confirmed that Prefix does absolutely nothing. It just changes the name… so remember to name your guns! Din’s Anarchy ftw ^_^

  48. Din says:

    At least… I THINK it does nothing… I changed the prefix of another SMG I had to the one you see on my Double Anarchy, and NOTHING changed at all (other then the name).

  49. MITH says:

    modders accept my comment 🙁 or i did something wrong? sry if is that, is my first time posting here >.<