Archive for the ‘Mass Effect 3’ Category

Mass Effect 3 Console

Wednesday, April 18th, 2012

Note: This information is for advanced users only.

In build 1.2.5427.16 (latest patch, as of this post), you can patch the bytes in MassEffect3.exe at file offset 0x1518AEC from A0 7B 6B to 60 31 D6 to enable the console. Note that there will be no output from your commands, but they will work (if properly entered).

For example, from the main menu, try the command open BioP_MPNov.

Obviously, you should not play multiplayer with this edit.

Mass Effect 3 Save Editor

Wednesday, April 18th, 2012

Didn’t get around to posting about it here, my Mass Effect 3 save editor is available through my SVN builds:

More information can be found here:

Mass Effect 3 Demo Console

Thursday, February 16th, 2012

Note: This information is for advanced users only.

In the demo build 1.0.7260.0, you can patch the bytes in MassEffect3Demo.exe at file offset 0x150699C from 00 53 D3 to 70 47 D5 to enable the console. Note that there will be no output from your commands, but they will work (if properly entered).

For example, from the main menu, try the command open BioP_MPNov.

Mass Effect 3 Coalesced.bin tool

Thursday, February 16th, 2012

Here’s a tool for to convert coalesced.bin into an editable (JSON) format (coalesce-*.zip).

It’s a command-line tool but you can drag&drop Coalesced.bin onto Gibbed.MassEffect3.Coalesce.exe to export to JSON (it’ll create a directory called Coalesced). Once you want to repack, simply drag the Coalesced directory onto Gibbed.MassEffect3.Coalesce.exe and it will create Coalesced.bin (overwriting the original if present, back it up!).

Reply if you have any questions, problems, comments, etc.

If you’re less technically inclined, Monochrome Wench has a tool for visually editing data in Coalesced.bin