Borderlands 2 Save Editor (Revision 142)

Get the new version.

Bug fixes and updates to game info (“Hammerlock’s Hunt” DLC) for the current Borderlands 2 patch (1.3.0).


If you encounter any problems (crashes, etc), feel free to comment this post.

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232 Responses to “Borderlands 2 Save Editor (Revision 142)”

  1. Rageous says:

    To counterbalance the idiots who show up to complain, or people who have trouble following directions, let me just say thank you for all your hard work. I’ve been using this since about 3 weeks after the game came out to fab weapons and items, help people fix lost game saves due to various bugs and transfer content between platforms (I play it on all three). This tool has been invaluable, and your work has not gone unappreciated.

    On an unrelated note, you’ve probably gotten a few Gearbox downloads – the latest patch that removes scaling beyond level 50 seems almost entirely in response to your work here. A badge of honor, wouldn’t you say?

  2. Karstedt says:

    Great work. I’ve been fiddling with the MissionPlaythroughData, and just a suggestion for the Collection Editor when veiwing MissionData, it would be be better if the list on the left displayed the mission name instead of just a list of “MissionData”. The list can get pretty long and it would be easier to navigate that way.

  3. Fayt2087 says:

    I know you have answered this already in these posts but I still cant seem to get past the “Failed to load save: reencode mis match” I dont see a file type option for xbox 360. The only options I have are all types and Borderlands 2 save file (*SAV.) and nothing else. It still workes fine on any other files and saves I mess with but my main assasin is locked out for some reason…

    • Josh says:

      Have you tried to erase the cache memory on your box then start the game and then dashboard after you spawn in? That always works for me.

  4. psylocibinizer says:

    i’m having the same reencode mismatch issue, i can load any other game save just not my main character. is there a fix for this?

  5. Dude2443 says:

    I’m extremely new when it comes to game save editing, and I am not able to put my save file into Gibbed. So could someone please walk me through it as if I had downs?

  6. Axman says:

    I had some of the same problems as above (PC), but upgrading to 142 worked for me. Thanks, Rick!

  7. Dmanny says:

    Was reading some of these latest entries, not sure if its due to the latest BL2 patch making it so characters can’t go over 50 anymore, like retards were doing, so if your one of those morons trying to mod your game with some character above 50 thats why your saves ain’t workin no more.

    • Dude2443 says:

      Im using err “trying” to use gun strength mods and getting a freshie to lvl 50. But yeah, I’m derping pretty hard with the modding thing.

  8. Dmanny says:

    OH yeah, PS: i’m not sure on that tho, just a guess.

  9. ThatOneGuy says:

    Okay, so I understand that in order to mod PS3 saves you first have to decrypt them with an external program. The problem is, I can’t find any programs that I can use to do it. I tried PFDTool and Bruteforce, but neither wants to work in Windows 7. Any suggestions or alternatives?

  10. Jpman45 says:

    Why can i not spawn in seraph weapons, items, or grenade/class mods?

  11. PumpDat says:

    Just wanted to say Thanks for your awesome tools. Shame on anyone that complains and whines about getting really great tools for free. I’d like to show my appreciation for your hard work. Send me a link to where I can make a donation!


  12. ReachIt says:

    IF you are trying to mod a 360 save, when you click open look at the file type you are searching for and switch it to X360 .sav files from PC .sav files, this helped me withy my error and I hope it helps Y’all with yours

  13. psylocibinizer says:

    im having an issue with my backpack space even when i upgarde it wont stay for some reason?am i doing something wrong im changing the slot in black market upgrades to 0 and going in game to buy the backpack space but it keeps going down to 27 again everytime. i already lost alot of loot because of it. any solution to this?

    • unRheal says:

      My first guess would be that they limited the max size of your backpack, just like they limited the level to 50. Since you can’t buy backpack upgrades to upgrade past 27, and that’s the number you keep getting set back to…

  14. xphantoman says:

    Just let everyone know. The new xbox borderland 2 update on 11/6/2012 seemed locked the game save. You can read it here:
    I can’t even open with Modios anymore. let along with this save editor. The only solution seem to be clear xbox cache and reject the update. Mod your save wit the editor and play offline. (just don’t over mod it and go online, because obviously you will get banned or gearbox will release new update deleting modded saves. ) Hopefully you can work on it to make it work with the new update. Right now, this save editor is useless with the new xbox update. Thank You

    • xphantoman says:

      Oh. I just started play borderland this month. Dec 2012. So my character save s really new. So Modio won’t even recognize the save. People who started playing before probably still able to. I can’t confirm that.
      I doubt gearbox would delete anyone’s modded save before the update. (They probably deleted some over scaling like Lvl 50 above and crazy modded inventories ). Anyway. any new save after the update is blocked.

      And Rick. I really appreciated you created this wonderful tools. I know we maybe asking too much. But can you find a solution for us to mod the new save after the update?
      I understand if you may not want to do it. I am just asking. Thank you very much

    • Rick says:

      You are doing something wrong because what you describe has not actually happened.

      • xphantoman says:

        I am not a newbie. I ensure you not doing anything wrong. I will give you a screenshot later when I get the chance. My modios won’t even display the save. I tried with Modio 3 and Modio 4 beta. The only way the save will show up if I explore the device. “Open save from device” option in Modios won’t even display the borderland 2 folder. When I explore the save and extract. The file won’t open in your editor. I double checked to see if save is corrupted, but it load up fine in xbox. Please don’t make judgement so fast.

      • xphantoman says:

        Here is the screen shot.
        You can see the Modios won’t see the new borderland 2 save after the update as save type. It is now Con type.

        I tried with the editor after extract the Con file. The end result you can’t open the “Con” type file

        My guess is that gearbox encrypted the save or changed the file type, or both. Hopefully you can resolve this problem. Thank you.

        • Rick says:

          You are definitely doing something wrong. I cannot help you with Modio because I’ve never used it before, however, nobody else has reported this problem.

          My save editor cannot load XBOX 360 CON files, you must unpack/extract the save data.

          • xphantoman says:

            I am not doing anything wrong. I tried with Xbox Horizon to extract the save. Still same result.
            here is the screenshot

            Even your editor recommend using Modio or equivalent.

            If Horizon or Modio won’t extract the save, what other programs are there I can use? Can you recommend one?

          • xphantoman says:

            My guess is that after the new update from 11/6. Gearbox encrypted something to prevent Modios or Horizon properly extract save files.
            I will also direct this problem to Modios or Horizon forum for help.

            But it could also be that Modios or Horizon extracted the save properly but it is encrypted so your editor won’t recognize it as normal save.

            My bet is on your editor. Since horizon and Modio both said extracted successfully. All those program just explore and decryption on xbox data format layer

            Is your editor is open source?

          • Rick says:

            I find that hard to believe since nobody else is reporting this problem.

          • xphantoman says:

            Like I said. I just started playing Borderland 2. a lot people who played before won’t encounter this problem. A lot player would get pissed if gearbox disabled saved. but they can disable any new save forward.

            I suspect a lot more people will come forward with this problem as time goes by.

            I also find it hard to believe that you continue to deny my problem even I provided you with all those evidence.

            I still thank you for helping and answer my post. I did bunch google search. some user did have the same problem as mine. Just not that many. most player already had save before the updated.

            Very few late player would use save editor to hack the game.

          • Rick says:

            The evidence shows me nothing because I don’t (and won’t) use Modio/Horizon/etc. I do not have a 360 copy of Borderlands 2, and cannot help you with using these tools. If there is a problem, it’s not with my save editor.

          • xphantoman says:

            I am sorry if I offend you anything. I will continue to troubleshoot this problem on my own. I still appreciated the fact you created this tool for players.

            I am also a programmer. I know how time consuming it can be to code something for people.

            I understand it may not be your problem. I will find a way to get it working any how. Just enjoy playing a game. Thank you anyway.

          • -J- says:

            Work perfectly here on both of my xbox (one is new as dec 21, 2012) with old and new xbox live account…

  15. shfoong says:

    Although the program is great,but there are something wrong. For example, when I edit the level of any character to more than lvl 50. Thereare no effect. I had edit my characterto lvl 100 and skill tree for 150 beside that all the weapon and sheild and relic, I also had edit to lvl 100. But , Icannot equip the item and the skill point still 0. This is because that the system said that , I still lvl 50 and not suitable to equip the item. This happen after I download the map pf Mr Torgue…

  16. Badboi says:


    I am using the 142 revision of your software. When I try to load a savegame of PS3 this error pops up:”Failed to load Save: LZO decompression failure (LookbehindOverrun)”. I am using the european version of BL2.
    Any idea what I can do?

  17. 6!0 - KenShin says:

    Hey Gibbed, possible future feature to increase backpack slots? or only bank slots?

  18. Nic says:

    I have an idea of what you should add to this ๐Ÿ˜€ you should add a search bar to the bank and inventory so we can find the guns and items we want to extract codes from Thanks ๐Ÿ™‚

  19. jehoo says:

    I’ve had problems too. Horizon and modio seem to work but even before the update I had an issue with the maya saves. I would mod it and it would work for a session or two and then fail to save after that. Same for Axton after awhile.
    After the update I couldnt even access the save with the editor. It keeps saying it’s an invalid version and is not supported. The extension is the same so my best guess is modio isn’t one hundred percent reliable with this game and the newest patch changed enough that the editor can’t fiddle with it. I love the tool and I love the option to edit my xbox saves. As an old cheater I’ve appreciated the work of modders since game companies stopped adding codes. I look forward to your update and I hope you don’t abandon up xbox gamers.

  20. PumpDat says:

    Hi All
    Just an FYI, if you saved a copy of your game save on your hard drive (as all good modders should be doing) you can still use Gibbed’s Totally Awesome Program to edit that copy back down to level 50 and sync all the lockers and backpacks to match (Dont forget to save a copy of that gamesave to your hard drive) Take the items that you have in the vault that exceed the limit and put them in your backpack, your backpack will be way full but the patch didnt take them from me when I did it, and you will still have all of your cool weapons etc and you can reload that into your console and yes, once you do that your stuck again but at least you didnt lose your cool stuff.

    Thanks Again Rick, I have used a couple of your programs and they are really great. Hopefully the crybabies didnt sour you from doing more in the future.
    You Are A Bonifide BaddAss Lol

  21. Goldengeek says:

    When i try to open up gibbed.borderlands2.saveedit.exe my computer asks me to choose what program i want to open it with

  22. Teostra says:

    Unfortunately i think it maybe your updates version. Because all the previous versions still work when editing saves. But when you try to use the new version of the program it simply doesn’t have it. I tried de-coding it and re-coding it but it just simply corrupts the save =/

  23. EnvyTheNoob says:


    • Revenant says:

      This is the very reason people like you shouldn’t edit. This person has been making his tools from scratch and putting his own hard work into it. Yes it would be nice if he fixed it for other systems but that takes time. You need sir to take 20 prozac and your complimentary dildo and go and fuck yourself till your calmer than a tibetan monk on morphine.

  24. Faithless says:

    On the Mechromancer I mod her skill points to like 300 and then when I go Online the points don’t save :L anyone else have this problem with the mechromancer?

    • Josh says:

      I kept getting this exact problem. The way I fixed it was to go to the game website and look at the skill tree for my character (Mechro). Then I went into the RAW data under skill data and input them manually. I was doing it the other way (just puting in about 200 skill points) and it would just go to 46 when I start game. So, after putting them in manually it worked. I have full skill tree filled out now.
      The reason I needed the game website skill tree up was so I could see the name of the skill and how many points each one needed in order to put it in manually.
      Try that, it should work.

  25. Titbit says:

    First, thanks for this great tool!

    Second, i have a small issue: edited characters stuck on my character select screen. To be more clear: i used my Siren save (which was created shortly after game release i believe) to create 4 another classes, because walking through the game for another 20 hours just to see what other classes can do is a pain in the ass. Everything worked just fine, they even have only quest-awarded skins now.

    However, when i choose a character through in-game menu, background model does not update. Un-modified characters update properly though. Issue is purely visual, but this just bugs me out. What can i do to make them update properly?

    Also, one funny thing – when i transfer my modified saves to my friends, they receive 10 golden keys. Why is that (i’m just really qurious)?

  26. Andrew K says:

    hey rick, first off kudos on the great program, and awesome that you chose not to charge us for any of your programs, makes you one of the best IMO

    but i just have one question, not a complaint just a quick question, im able to mod my character past level 50 on pc, and the game loads with no sweat, but when i change my guns to level 127 for some reason it unequips them, and i cant equip them, it says i dont have the right level, it shows my gun at level 127 in the game, and it shows my character at level 200, is this a limitation on gearboxes side or am i editing something wrong?

    thanks again and thanks in advance for the help

  27. David says:

    Hey Rick,

    a) thank you for all your hard work.

    b) I get this error when opening my save after decrypting it:

    An exception was thrown (press Ctrl+C to copy):

    ProtoBuf.ProtoException: Invalid wire-type; this usually means you have over-written a file without truncating or setting the length; see

    at ProtoBuf.ProtoReader.SkipField()

    at ProtoBuf.ProtoReader.SkipField()

    at ProtoBuf.ProtoReader.SkipField()

    at proto_6(Object , ProtoReader )

    at ProtoBuf.Serializers.CompiledSerializer.ProtoBuf.Serializers.IProtoSerializer.Read(Object value, ProtoReader source)

    at ProtoBuf.Meta.RuntimeTypeModel.Deserialize(Int32 key, Object value, ProtoReader source)

    at ProtoBuf.ProtoReader.ReadTypedObject(Object value, Int32 key, ProtoReader reader, Type type)

    at proto_2(Object , ProtoReader )

    at ProtoBuf.Serializers.CompiledSerializer.ProtoBuf.Serializers.IProtoSerializer.Read(Object value, ProtoReader source)

    at ProtoBuf.Meta.RuntimeTypeModel.Deserialize(Int32 key, Object value, ProtoReader source)

    at ProtoBuf.Meta.TypeModel.DeserializeCore(ProtoReader reader, Type type, Object value, Boolean noAutoCreate)

    at ProtoBuf.Meta.TypeModel.Deserialize(Stream source, Object value, Type type, SerializationContext context)

    at ProtoBuf.Serializer.Deserialize[T](Stream source)

    at Gibbed.Borderlands2.FileFormats.SaveFile.Deserialize(Stream input, Platform platform, DeserializeSettings settings)

    at Gibbed.Borderlands2.SaveEdit.ShellViewModel.c__DisplayClass1c.b__17()

    at Caliburn.Micro.Contrib.Results.DelegateResult.Execute(ActionExecutionContext context)

    Merry Christmas!

  28. Taisifu says:

    ok i have the newest version and i cant get it to load my 360 game saves. i need detailed intructions on how to get it to work

  29. pHenotypic says:

    The update does work. As other people mentioned when you go to open a new file, it’ll automatically be set to open PC saves, change it to xbox saves. If you’re still having problems, sign onto xbox live and redownload the “compatibility update” that is under DLC content — it should be something over 200 megabytes. As soon as I redownloaded it, the editor started working for me. I noticed after the new dlc came out, the game kept telling me that my compatibility update was outdated (while online of course). That could be the issue for some, or just missing that the editor is set to open pc saves and just needs to be changed lol.

  30. pHenotypic says:

    Oh, and thanks for the awesome editor by the way. It’s fascinating work, and much appreciated :).

  31. nic says:

    hey gibbed um on revision 142 i cant get it to work with orphan maker barrel or the other orchid parts it gives me a red box and removes it and yes they were put in right no mistypes please fix

  32. Tony says:

    is it just me or does the latest bl2 patch not allow greater than level 50 and limited skill…? and i just managed to get bruteforce decrypt working for r142…..

  33. Squinty says:

    Thanks Gib, love your save editors and use them whenever i’ve finished off a game to go all out.

    This save editor also fixed the reenscreen thingy bug making it possible for me to load up my savegames after saving & exiting my game.

    Thanks for your hard work and merry christmas!

  34. Lucretius says:

    Hello, anyone knows a website or know the mission codes? so i can experiment with the guns? happy holidays ๐Ÿ™‚

  35. beaty says:

    anyone know how to change the quality of a item or shield to be like the old gear heads in bl1 to glitch thro walls and doors etc

    please let me know i cant figure out i know people figure it out all ready i google it and had no luck

    • Rick says:

      False positive. If you are dubious, grab the code and build it yourself.

    • Squinty says:

      If you check your files online, of course it’ll come out as a virus. That website is sketchy at best though. Get a proper AV, this tool is Virus-free, all of the Gibbed editors are Virus-free.

  36. Dunwich says:


    Thank you for the tools, unfortunatly it just stopped working right now. I edited my old savegame (didn’t loaded it for month), played a bit and I cannot edit it with your tools anymore. I’ve got “Failed to load save : reencode mismatch”

    Here’s a screenshot :

    Moreover I’ve never been able to load my new savegame (created yesterday)

    (sorry for my english, I’m french.)

  37. Legitprodigy773 says:

    Hey does any know if there is a updated mod tool for the Xbox? Because of the new coding. I can’t open and mod anything. And is anyone else working on it?

  38. DeathByBelkin says:

    Any small change I make to a save results in the save being corrupted when I try to load it in Borderlands 2. The process I take is as follows:

    Save is on flash drive, open the save in Modio, extract the SaveGame.sav file to the desktop.
    Open the SaveGame.sav with the Rev 142 tool. Change Eridium from 22 to 75 (the only change I make)
    Click Save and overwrite the existing SaveGame.sav file
    Open my Save in Modio, delete the old SaveGame.sav file and add the recently edited one. Rehash and Resign, save to device.
    I load up BL 2 and it tells me the save is corrupted.

    Any one see what I did wrong or have any advice?

  39. Michael says:

    After using this on my character save testing it out I found my character can no longer run. It walks slow then when trying to run, walks at normal speed. Checked other characters to see if they had the same problem, it’s only the one I added a few things too.

    Any advice on fixing this?

    • Squinty says:

      Wouldn’t hurt giving a clue as to what you’ve added/done to your toon to narrow it down and finding an answer to your problem.

      A little is always better than too much when it comes to adding stuff into a game. Might be that you’ve added too many items, creating too many different variables which the game can’t handle/recognize as well as fixing up your character with customization items via the editor i.e DLC skins while you don’t have the DLC = bad.

  40. cr4nk says:

    hi gib,

    ur editor is very good. but i have 2 ideas for making it better ๐Ÿ˜€

    1: can u please make it possible to mark all items in backpack do delete them all? i want delete over 600 items from my char, and its horrible to delete them one by one.
    2: do u think its possible to make a little preview of each wepaon that we build in ur editor? i mean we cant see the stats from the weapons, and we’ve got to go ingame each time we make a weapon . hope u can do that.

    greetz from germany

  41. andy says:

    Hey, been using the editor – fantastic by the way!

    Just one thing, I have searched and searched to find the answer to a question but haven’t been able to. (lets face it, the wife says I am no good at looking for things).

    When Choosing certain items (some DLC content [I have all dlc content]) or the legendary mechromancer class mod (for example) the box gets a red outline and no further options are given, it also doesn’t seem to save the item. If I click off and click back the box is blank. Also, when manually inputting the options (from the gear calculator) I get a red box and it doesn’t save. I notice that its been suggested with weapons (legendary) to dupe an original one and make changes, but this doesn’t seem to work for classmods.

    (1) Am I jumping the gun? Is it not letting me save it because items are not active in game and would cause problems?
    (2) Do I have to do something to enable DLC content to be saved in the editor?
    (3) Why is the option there if it wont let me use it (this question is based on me being thick!)

    Again, excellent, only shortcomings are from my user ignorance ๐Ÿ™‚

    • andy says:

      Forgot to say – I am a PC user (steam)

      • MPX says:

        DLC items have a different SetID and since that value isn’t editable they can’t be built from scratch. You need to start by copying a similar item (e.g. start with a different Mechro mod or another gun from that same DLC) and then changing the parts. It would be nice if the “New Weapon”/”New Item” buttons allowed a SetID selection, but it’s not hard to work around once you are used to it.

        • andy says:


          Duping a mechro classmod (I must have been duping another class when I tried) and changing it to legendary worked great. Itemset 2 for anyone who cares. Thanks for the reply +++++

  42. MPX says:

    I’ve been looking into the format of the “StatsData” section (extracted by pclifford’s Python script.) Based on experimentation and what we knew from BL1 through WillowTree# development I’ve come up with the following general format. Note that I have only looked at the PC version since that’s what I have; as expected on that platform everything is little-endian.

    Offset – Type – Description
    0 – UINT – Unknown but always seems to be 4
    4 – UINT – Size of the rest of the block. Always 4646
    8 – USHORT – Number of stats. Always 387
    10 – Array of Stat data structures. Each is 12 bytes long and is described below

    0 – USHORT – ID number; ranges of used numbers appear to be 0x623-0x639,0x655-0x7bb
    2 – BYTE – Type #1; always seems to be 1 which indicates an integer; in BL1 a 5 would indicate a float
    3 – UINT (or other based on type) – Value #1; overall total for that statistic
    7 – BYTE – Type #2; see above
    8 – UINT (or other based on type) – Value #2; used for previous stat value after reset in some rare cases

    Note that there are also 387 STAT_* strings defined in the executable, but actually mapping those internal names to the used ID numbers is beyond me. The best I have done so far is to guess at about half of them from experimentation. For BL1, da_fileserver mapped them all by using a disassembler.

  43. LightGraylomon253 says:

    I Keep Getting An Error Like This

    An exception was thrown (press Ctrl+C to copy):

    ProtoBuf.ProtoException: Unexpected boolean value

    at ProtoBuf.ProtoReader.ReadBoolean()

    at proto_18(Object , ProtoReader )

    at ProtoBuf.Serializers.CompiledSerializer.ProtoBuf.Serializers.IProtoSerializer.Read(Object value, ProtoReader source)

    at ProtoBuf.Meta.RuntimeTypeModel.Deserialize(Int32 key, Object value, ProtoReader source)

    at ProtoBuf.ProtoReader.ReadTypedObject(Object value, Int32 key, ProtoReader reader, Type type)

    at proto_2(Object , ProtoReader )

    at ProtoBuf.Serializers.CompiledSerializer.ProtoBuf.Serializers.IProtoSerializer.Read(Object value, ProtoReader source)

    at ProtoBuf.Meta.RuntimeTypeModel.Deserialize(Int32 key, Object value, ProtoReader source)

    at ProtoBuf.Meta.TypeModel.DeserializeCore(ProtoReader reader, Type type, Object value, Boolean noAutoCreate)

    at ProtoBuf.Meta.TypeModel.Deserialize(Stream source, Object value, Type type, SerializationContext context)

    at ProtoBuf.Serializer.Deserialize[T](Stream source)

    at Gibbed.Borderlands2.FileFormats.SaveFile.Deserialize(Stream input, DeserializeSettings settings)

    at Gibbed.Borderlands2.SaveEdit.ShellViewModel.c__DisplayClass10.b__8()

    at Caliburn.Micro.Contrib.Results.DelegateResult.Execute(ActionExecutionContext context)

  44. nameless671 says:

    i keep getting problems with the new version, the skill points doesnt give you the right amount. i typed the skill points like about 500 and i start the game it say 46 for some reason

    • Josh says:

      I kept getting this exact problem. The way I fixed it was to go to the game website and look at the skill tree for my character (Mechro). Then I went into the RAW data under skill data and input them manually. I was doing it the other way (just puting in about 200 skill points) and it would just go to 46 when I start game. So, after putting them in manually it worked. I have full skill tree filled out now.
      The reason I needed the game website skill tree up was so I could see the name of the skill and how many points each one needed in order to put it in manually.
      Try that, it should work.

  45. allanc says:

    Thanks so much for doing this. Its fun to poke around.

  46. allanc says:

    nameless671, keep in mind that the .SAV file is just data. The game itself has code that probably enforces constraints on “sane values” for each property. Remember, Gearbox is well aware that there was editing of these files in BL 1.

  47. Mongo says:

    Still don;pt know what the difference between specialist and general skillpoints is.

  48. nameless671 says:

    will there be any droppable skill points later?

  49. YOYOBAGARDO says:

    Thank you to all involved in bringing this wonderful tool into my life.