Prototype 2 Command-line Arguments

All/most command-line arguments available in Prototype 2.

  • Autotester
  • BatchMode
  • BitDemonNoDebugOutput
  • BitDemonWarningsAsErrors
  • DebugFilter=?
  • DebugLevel=?
  • DebugOutputHideFileName
  • DebugOutputHideTags
  • DebugOutputHideTime
  • DebugOutputHideType
  • DetachedRenderer
  • HideHUD
  • LanHost=?
  • Level=?
  • LookUpNameStrings
  • MemoryMonitor
  • Monkey=?
  • MonkeyOptions=?
  • MonkeyTimeout=?
  • NoCrashRecord
  • NoGameState
  • NoInteractiveAsserts
  • NoSleepOnLostFocus
  • NoVSync
  • Paranoid
  • RandomStreamingDelay=?,?
  • ReproducibleAmbientManager
  • Resolution=WIDTHxHEIGHT@HZ
    ie 1024×768@85
  • SkipMovies
  • SubmitNameStrings
  • VSync
  • Windowed
  • WindowHeight=?
  • WindowWidth=?
  • WindowX=?
  • WindowY=?

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7 Responses to “Prototype 2 Command-line Arguments”

  1. pyroMax says:

    Brilliant as always. Resolution=2560×1600@32 is exactly what the game was missing for me. Thank you.

  2. Maicomzoio says:

    Hello good evening.
    I need a tool ProtoLe your call.
    I wonder if you have to upload it again.
    I’m trying to translate the prototype for my language.
    Sorry for my horrible English.

  3. RandyGandy says:

    Cheers, was quite frustrating having not having my monitor supported.

  4. cho seunghyun says:

    hello good afternoon!
    I’m leaving a message because I have to use tool named ‘ProtoLE’
    because I want to translate language in to another language
    Have a good day, and I’m so sorry about my bad english

  5. AComputa says:

    So, you give the command lines, which is great, but how exactly do you use them?

  6. ShadowTiger says:

    Same question. There are command line entries, but where is the command line to enter these, please? Does this have to do with the Debug Console zip from the other blog post?

  7. Voimics says:

    Just put it to propetries of the ink file of the game. For example: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Prototype 2\prototype2.exe” resolution=3840×2160@75 Apply and play