Borderlands Save Editor (Revision 10)

This editor is no longer being updated and does not support newer Borderlands patches. It is highly recommended that you use WillowTree# instead.

Newer build of my Borderlands save editor, fixes the problem with editing Roland (Soldier) saves, as well as several other minor changes and fixes.

Borderlands Save Editor


If you encounter any problems (crashes, etc), feel free to comment this post.

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1,864 Responses to “Borderlands Save Editor (Revision 10)”

  1. ugotmilk says:

    Found a great class mod for Roland :p here you guys go –


    This instantly makes any of your weapons godly!!! Combine this with the metal storm skill and after every kill you get a huge clip and faster firing rate, makes my revolver godly too 😀

    • wicked_weasle says:

      why does your class mod have quality 2 is it ok to turn it up or is there a reason you put it like that

      • ugotmilk says:

        Go right ahead 🙂 Although I can’t guarantee satisfactory results but feel free to try

        • shane says:

          hey guys check this gun out

          if you got any thing cool email me it and ill hook you up

  2. Cheshil says:

    Hi, I could use some help. Yesterday my gave save seemed to have corrupted. I’ve been trying to use the save editor (version 10, I can’t find a good link to any of the others) to fix it (or recreate it). All of my info (guns, money, items, etc) shows up when I open the save file, but saving it as a new version still causes the game to crash when I load it.

    Is there a faster way to copy my gun/item data over to a “new” save other than copy and pasting it one at a time? What about fixing my save? I can upload it and let you guys look at it if it will help. I have some friends coming over to play in a few days and wanted to finish playthrough one before they got here. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

  3. ursuletzu79 says:

    I have error 0xc0000135.Pls help me

  4. Nick says:

    i have a question, does this work with the 360? if so can you explain how?

  5. Brian says:

    Nick, it definitely does NOT work with the 360.

  6. XapreX says:

    any1 have legit weapons like phoenix put up a couple of pages back? i wouldn’t mind a Hyperion Reaper (SliceSlice 300% Melee) or anything else thats decent. (hellfires, thanatos, mashers). Ive checked zerosubstance, they dont have much.

  7. Sharinginformation says:

    Hey guys here is a nice weapon
    It’s an Eridan not a lot cheated, shots like the thunder storm legit
    Picture :


  8. Lucifer2166 says:

    Would it be possible to make a version of this wonderful little program to edit PS3 save game files please? I could send you some saves to work with if you need, although you would probably need a PS3 to check them out I suppose.

  9. MarquisElmdor says:

    Just a curious question. Does the save-file editor and it’s 2 other files need to be placed anywhere specifically? Because no matter what i change, (Focusing on weapon proficiency and additional skillpoints), it never changes. I’ve backed up my save, and no matter what i change, it doesn’t affect it. I’m playing the PC version, with windows XP. any input would be awesome. Great job on the save-file editor. X3 reminds me of FF7 for PC back in the day.

    • Lucifer2166 says:

      The other 2 files (Gibbed.Borderlands.FileFormats.dll and Gibbed.Helpers.dll) stay in the same folder with the Gibbed.Borderlands.SaveEdit.exe. The Editor needs them in the same folder to function properly so I wouldn’t move them. The save file you are working on can be anywhere, I just leave them where they are and make a folder in there named backup saves and put copies of my save before I do anything incase something goes wrong.

      While I haven’t tried the weapon proficiency and skill points editing, I did try the money edit and it didn’t stick for some reason. I think this editor is focused more for making and editing weapons and items since I was able to make some through a bit of trial and error quite easily. It could be that It only reads and displays the character data to show you what character file you are working on.

  10. Bloodrealm says:

    oh lawdy i have created an eridian rifle with 10k% burst ad a firerate of 160
    its shoots 175×3 damage
    and has an accuracy of 83.
    as soon as i click the whole charge is gone withing half a second and then my computer laggs

  11. Bloodrealm says:

    also the bullets bounce 3 or 4 times before dissapearing and they have corrosive element

  12. MarquisElmdor says:

    Hello again. X3 I’ve done a little bit of experimenting. Hokay, now, when i made a backup, it basicalyl created a duplicate of my first file. Any changes i make to the ORIGINAL, do nothing. But any changes i make to the BACKUP are what change my saved file. it’s weird. XD But interesting. It’ll take more toying around with it. Just a few questions, which i’m sure have been asked a thousand times already, but i’mma ask again….mostly because I dont have the time to read through 19 pages, hoping for the exact answer i need. x.x I have a sniper rifle, lvl 48ish, with nice stats. But i wanna improve it. How exactly do i do that? i understand adding different stocks/sights/barrels/etc change stats, but i dont know what changes to make. I’m sure there’s no official chart….yet. But any tips would be nice. I mostly wanna just crank it’s ACC to 100, give it a nice high fire rate, maybe 2.5, with a larger clip. say….10 bullets? And, if possible, there are fire Sniper Rifles with a red-text effect that says “Pele demands a sacrafice!” which in turn makes the fire-effects are explosive and do heavy damage. I would like to add that, if possible.

    Assistance would be awesome, but otherwise, I’m in no hurry. I’m loving the game even with small changes i’ve already made. n.n

  13. Bloodrealm says:

    u can use this site it has different parts of guns most of them with the stats they give

  14. darn says:

    how do u guys edit lvl?? i edited but when i select the edited character, it goes back to 1. wats wrong???

  15. Bloodrealm says:

    have u actully started the game?
    did you save the edited save with correct file name in the correct folder?
    do you have .NET Framework 3.5? ( can be dloaded from ) or just go to microsoft site if u dont trust me

    • Bloodrealm says:

      also keep the two dlls that come with the .exe in the same folder by themselves so just the 3 files together
      and if this dosnt help try re downloading the save editor.
      if none of this helps im not sure what else you can do

  16. dj says:

    i changed it but when trying to load it says courpt data why fif i miss something

  17. MarquisElmdor says:

    Hello again. Bloodrealm, thanks a bunch for the link. X3 I’m having a ton of fun experimenting, but one gun is giving me trouble. it’s a combat rifle….or is it support_machinegun? anyway, I’ll post it’s current design, and I’ll just need input as to how to increase it’s damage. it’s only showing like, 60 damage. x.x And i have the rarity at 5, but it has no level requirement. Thoughts/input would be awesome.


    I’m trying to get to have simply a decent clip-size, fast reload time + fire rate, and heavy damage. maybe 500 total, not -horribly- overpowered, just sexy. XD but i just cant seem to get it’s damage above 60ish.

    • Bloodrealm says:

      put the quality down until it has a level requiremnt
      ill try experimenting with this gun and ill tell you if i get anything done

      • MarquisElmdor says:

        thanks Blood. this gun’s for a friend of mine, so the help is doubly appreciated. And so far, adjusting the quality seems to have no effect. i’ll keep trying.

    • Dark_Rak3r says:

      Honestly, 500 damage for a support machinegun is kinda overpowered in my eyes, as compared to legit drops. I mean, I’m no stranger to crazy overpowered guns, I have a set of ~900×10 DMG revolvers that I use. Anyways, your problem seems to be that Hyperion, as a manufacturer, is not compatible with support machineguns. Try changing the manufacturer to Vladof and see what I mean. Also, changing the ItemGrade to revolver pistol seems to bump the damage too.

      • MarquisElmdor says:

        Ah ha! Thank you, that helped perfectly. Dark, and Bloodrealm, thanks for the help. n.n I got the assault gun of MY dreams, basically. XD fun times, especially when i toss one to my friend.

        • MarquisElmdor says:

          CRAP! XD The rockets do 0 damage! gotta change the barrel i guess.

          • MarquisElmdor says:

            Unless there’s something that causes the Carnage barrel to do 0. O.o cause i’ve seen a few builds with it, so i assume it’ll normally work fine. Could it just be because I’m tossing the carnage barrel onto a combat rifle?

  18. I absolutely adore this site 😀 gonna need to add this to the list.

  19. BickBarrer says:

    How come any save files I try to import into my PS3 all say corrupted? I edit the .sav files to the appropriate slot, and rename the folder/file as well.

  20. BullsEye Sniper says:

    First off, thanks for the hard work. I’ve learned so much in such a little time reading all the pages, that my head is going to explode!! You guys are awesome!!

    I know that I can’t edit my Xbox 360 Borderlands file, so I bought this for PC. I wanted to try and recreate some of the great weapons I found on playthrough 2 of my Xbox version. Since I can’t get the detailed parts just but looking at my TV screen, I was wonder if I could at least look at the xbox version file in hopes of trying to remake the guns exactly for my PC version of Borderlands? Any help would be appreciated or if someone knows for fact it can’t be viewed, let me know. Thanks in advance.

  21. xXBornOfFireXx says:

    I have encountered a crash at the end of the game when I entered the vault. I am now stuck at the vault with nothing to do and I can’t fight the boss. Is it possible to edit hexes with this program? I’ve heard a way to revert so I can face the boss again, but I have to get a hex editor. This may be a stupid question somehow but, can this program do it, or if not, can someone lead me in the right direction?

  22. Robert says:

    Ok I am getting a Xbox Transfer Cable. Will I be able to edit saves if I put them on my computer?

  23. ein el helwe says:

    does this only work on pc? can it work on xbox or ps3

  24. Scott Montgomery says:

    Hey, i am very interested in how you created this program, are you hex editing the data or have you coded your dll to read the data properly, if you could reply on my email i would be very gratefull, i couldn’t see any contact info on yout blog.

    Thanks Scott

  25. bob the slob says:

    Is there any way to mod your level past 50? the vehicle health is just too low

  26. katrasi says:

    Hey anyone have the build for the artifacts i would like to try editing them.

  27. Melvin Dasig says:


    Please list the parts of the Genocide Cannon. Please, please, PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!

  28. Crais says:

    I’ve made two very nice class mods for Roland but I’m having a problem figuring out the fields in the editor. Both of these items are the same but one has the mod: 60% increased fire rate, and the other has: 39% increased damage. Anyone know what I’m missing?
    Here are the items:


    I worked through these by (pretty much) trial and error so I don’t really know a lot about what I’m doing. Any advice is much appreciated.

  29. Ninx says:

    hey i tried to make a spread rocketlauncher with unlimited ammo but it seems like I made a mistake because the launcher fires nothing.
    Could somebody please tell me my mistake.

    This is the exact order like in the save editor


  30. Ghostshell says:

    Can someone Upload a save game file with 100% complete or somthing close to that with the godly wepons please and thank you!

  31. Ron says:

    Hey guy need a little help with the program it runs fine after i got .net but once i try to load my ps3 save file i get an error message saying that i’m loading the wrong save file and if i click on the continue button it will try to fix the problem or i can click on the quit button to close the application. I’ve tried clicking on the continue button and nothing happens. what am i doing wrong if anyone can help that would be great.

  32. Makarni says:

    Excellent work, It worked flawlessly for everything I needed it to do. You should have a paypal donate button on here. Although 2k Games/Gearbox might not like you making money of their game….

    FYI, my system is W7 Pro 64bit with latest Windows Updates.

    In any case, Thanks Again, Your awesome.

  33. Drakegaurd says:

    ok, i am a noob! what is the name of the folder under which i save the new save?

  34. chase says:

    does this work with hooking up an xbox 360 to the computer then modding things?

  35. MargusP says:

    I had a Bloo Screen of death and had to reinstall WIndows, now i lost my Borderlands .sav file, could anyone upload it with play though 2 completed. Thank you in advance.

  36. ConsernedMiaCat says:

    just a small app change request… for the sake of safety (almost cost me my real chars… the horror!!!) would it possible to get the next version to default to an unused save spot?

    this way there is less chance to accidentally override chars. editing them is fine but you want one or two that you do the real way 😛

  37. StReeTz says:

    In case nobody’s noticed the download for Revision 14 that allows modification of files for the ps3 is maxed out…………..Sooooooooooo what now?

  38. blazer says:

    ok, i need 4 sub-machine guns… one for each elemental; fire(a hellfire of course), shock, acid and explosive. all of the guns need to have x4 elemental effect and accuracy must be over 90 with at least 12.5 fire rate. i have been trying for days but only my hellfire turned up ok, the others were all broken sadly:(
    also, i would like to state that this site is AWESOME!:)
    and pls post the weapons as replies and for gibbed’s editor, not willowtree. i like gibbed’s more.

    • Dark_Rak3r says:

      Hahaha, no. Hate to be rude, but that’s not really a good way to ask. Anyways, why won’t your others work? It should be a simple matter of changing the accessory to a different element.

      • blazer says:

        i know it’s a bit rude. anyways, i made the guns, the problem was that they always had x3 elemental no matter what i did. i don’t have the shock version only now, and any help will be appreciated.
        is this better?

  39. Seth says:

    Hey i was working with this and i messed up my shield. Was wondering if anyone could make one for me with 60% hp and a decent amount of shield strength

  40. Seth says:

    Nvm. I found a shield someone posted in a previous date. But i was wondering if anyone has worked with brick class mods. I cant seem to get one to work ive tryed messing with it but it always messed the item up.

  41. YOU says:


  42. jinx says:


    I require some mod advice to increase the accuracy of my sniper rifle without lowering damage too much.

    Current setup:

    Current specs: 1357DMG, 94.5ACC 1.5RLD 10MAG 3.2x ZOOM 4x FIRE

    The 94.5 accuracy simply won’t cut it at the Cyclops zoom (and i have 49 character skill with sniper rifles). I’m willing to let the damage way down to 1000 from 1350 as long as I can get it somewhere near 99 accuracy. The mag can also go down to 1 for all I care. Just interested is a high powered pinpoint accurate sniper for extreme ranges.

    Any advice would be welcomed.

  43. jinx says:

    Edit for above post

    Actual prefix is gd_weap_sniper_rifle_semiauto.Prefix.Prefix_reload1_Vicious

    With Distant prefix accuracy goes up by only 1.1% and damage down to nearly 1200.

  44. Hyperion says:

    Does anyone have a Weapon without a level. I got a grenade launcher without level with 1000 damage but i need some other weapons too. Please post some

  45. MegaThorr says:

    Hey guys,recently,i’ve made a smg who’s launch missile per fire.

    gd_weap_patrol_smg.acc.acc4_Double gd_weap_shared_materialparts.ManufacturerMaterials.Material_Atlas_3 gd_weap_rocket_launcher.Prefix.Prefix_Acc4_Devastating

    Buts he’s too weak..anybody to tell me how could i make it powerful?


  46. MegaThorr says:

    And by weak i mean his damage is 7X2 🙁

  47. Promethious says:

    Hey guys

    Just wondering if anyone has found a way to make a chimera SMG. i have my smg saying that it is a beat of many forms. But alas that is as far as i can get it to go. if anyone has succesfully made a chimera smg could you please post it.

  48. somerone says:

    what do you modify for more damage?

  49. MegaThorr says:

    somerone says:
    December 25, 2009 at 7:01 pm
    what do you modify for more damage?

    I dunno bro 🙁

    Maybe a good person advanced in making weapon could help us 🙂