Updated binary of the Unpack tool from SVN rev10. Fixes an issue with handling of compressed data in pod files from the PS2 version of Ghostbusters.
Updated binary of the Unpack tool from SVN rev10. Fixes an issue with handling of compressed data in pod files from the PS2 version of Ghostbusters.
AWESOME! It worked great on that stubborn PS2 Common.pod file.
when we get repacker ? 🙁
This has nothing to do with the update but does anyone know what program is used for the smb ghostbuster models?Is there any viewer/importer for any program that can read them?The .tex seem to be a corel image format. Is there any free .tex image viewers? Oh and I have searched but havnt found a thing on either.
You want to create a tool to package the files again?
We would love to translate this game for the Portuguese-BR.