Borderlands 2 Save Editor (Revision 176)

Get the new version.

  • Hopefully corrected issues with “Dragon Keep” DLC items.
  • Other fixes.


NOTE: With 360 saves, if you tried to add Dragon Keep items (shields, artifacts, etc) via the Backpack/Bank tabs prior to this version, you will most likely need to revert to an earlier save file before you added these items. The save editor will very likely get errors loading such a save file. Alternatively, you can try loading that save in an earlier version of the save editor (such as r158) to remove those items. Please don’t report these errors if you know you did this!

If you encounter any problems (crashes, etc), feel free to comment this post.

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45 Responses to “Borderlands 2 Save Editor (Revision 176)”

  1. Stonecypher says:

    Just testing it now, and it’s a thing of beauty.
    Thank you, Rick. You work too hard to make us gamers happy, my friend.

  2. GamersWar says:

    Thanks for the fixes in this revision, so far I have had no problems with any of the dlc #4 items in it 🙂

  3. Deathscoil says:

    Mine seems to be working fine now. Many thanks for a speedy resolution. Your work is much appreciated. 🙂

  4. AugurofDunlain says:


  5. Magi says:

    anyone got the code for the 4x Magic Missile grenade mod? I can only seem to make a Rare x2 missile grenade…

    • Wisecarver says:

      Magic Missile ‘Very Rare’: BL2(BwAAAACUvQkAFQegEBEk0v+/AqIdgwsDBkMGQwdDCIMVw///AOI=)

  6. AugurofDunlain says:

    when I try to open my saves I get the following error –

    An exception was thrown (press Ctrl+C to copy):

    System.InvalidOperationException: don’t know how to remap sublibrary 9 for set 9!

    at Gibbed.Borderlands2.FileFormats.AssetLibraryManagerHelpers.Decode(AssetLibraryManager assetLibraryManager, BitReader reader, Platform platform, Int32 setId, AssetGroup group)

    at Gibbed.Borderlands2.FileFormats.Items.BaseItem.Read(BitReader reader, Platform platform)

    at Gibbed.Borderlands2.FileFormats.Items.PackedDataHelper`2.Decode(Byte[] data, Platform platform)

    at Gibbed.Borderlands2.SaveEdit.BankViewModel.ImportData(WillowTwoPlayerSaveGame saveGame, Platform platform)

    at Gibbed.Borderlands2.SaveEdit.ShellViewModel.c__DisplayClass1c.b__17()

    at Caliburn.Micro.Contrib.Results.DelegateResult.Execute(ActionExecutionContext context)

    • AugurofDunlain says:

      I just realised the save I was trying to load had modded items in its bank, that is probably the cause of this problem.

      • Rick says:

        If it isn’t, please upload that save and give me a listing of what items you have in your inventory.

  7. AugurofDunlain says:

    Okay the modded items weren’t the problem, how do I upload my save here.


    -Ferocious blaster
    -Stopping sandhawk
    -Unending stalker
    -Tumtum Hawk eye
    -Inflammable the bee
    -Legendary hunter class mod
    -Heart of the ancients
    -Magic missile
    -Gentle blockhead
    -Stopping sand hawk
    -heart of the ancients
    -mysterious amulet
    -deadly sniper class mod
    -chaotic evil rogue class mod
    -longbow slag crossfire
    -sticky longbow quasar
    -lightning bolt

    consummate Florentine
    wyld ass sawbar
    gentlemans storm
    casual ravager

  8. Llamia says:

    An exception was thrown (press Ctrl+C to copy):

    System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: L’argument spécifié n’était pas dans les limites de la plage des valeurs valides.

    Nom du paramètre : invalid asset index 1 in sublibrary GD_Aster_GrenadeMods

    à Gibbed.Borderlands2.GameInfo.AssetSublibraryDefinition.GetAsset(Int32 index)

    à Gibbed.Borderlands2.FileFormats.AssetLibraryManagerHelpers.Decode(AssetLibraryManager assetLibraryManager, BitReader reader, Platform platform, Int32 setId, AssetGroup group)

    à Gibbed.Borderlands2.FileFormats.Items.BaseItem.Read(BitReader reader, Platform platform)

    à Gibbed.Borderlands2.FileFormats.Items.PackedDataHelper`2.Decode(Byte[] data, Platform platform)

    à Gibbed.Borderlands2.SaveEdit.BankViewModel.ImportData(WillowTwoPlayerSaveGame saveGame, Platform platform)

    à Gibbed.Borderlands2.SaveEdit.ShellViewModel.c__DisplayClass1c.b__17()

    à Caliburn.Micro.Contrib.Results.DelegateResult.Execute(ActionExecutionContext context)

  9. Maple says:

    Getting this error, know anything about it?
    It’s fine till I add anything using this revision, and then I cannot re-open it. (As a heads up, I haven’t added any DLC things):
    An exception was thrown (press Ctrl+C to copy):

    System.FormatException: unknown asset library set in packed data (this generally means new DLC that is not supported yet)

    at Gibbed.Borderlands2.FileFormats.Items.PackedDataHelper`2.Decode(Byte[] data, Platform platform)

    at Gibbed.Borderlands2.SaveEdit.BackpackViewModel.ImportData(WillowTwoPlayerSaveGame saveGame, Platform platform)

    at Gibbed.Borderlands2.SaveEdit.ShellViewModel.c__DisplayClass1c.b__17()

    at Caliburn.Micro.Contrib.Results.DelegateResult.Execute(ActionExecutionContext context)

    • Maple says:

      I just tried it without changing anything, just saving it, and this error pops up.

    • Rick says:

      Upload your save file, but I can guess you probably added an item via raw tab under ItemData such as a head/skin that you normally can’t add. If that’s the case, well…

  10. Grant says:

    Gibbed wont even open for me, i have downloaded everything the read me file said to download and still gibbed wont open

    • Wisecarver says:

      No offense but “It doesn’t work for me” are the same words that come from a Witch in the forest boiling toads.
      Please try and list how you unpacked the files, if the folders exist and your OS. Can also be related to things like AV access.
      Have a Nice day 🙂

      • Grant says:

        it opened in winrar from downloading it and i simply extracted the application onto the desktop, it just wont open after that

  11. ablac says:

    Ya this isnt working for me either keeps saying “Failed to load save: Invalid or unsupported version”

    I’ve tried with with one of my old saves that I haven’t used in a long time, with my current save, and one that’s a brand new save.

    I’m using Horizon to extract the save.!RgkRGbhQ!EJ4uiQYXZxH91SDUr7aiSBh9_ndRIN2W18Ohk_DCJj0

    • ablac says:

      W8, just realized i was using the wrong .sav file type when trying to open now Its opening 🙂

  12. spanky says:

    You are amazing and I love your work!! Cant wait for the newest community verison on 7sinz also!! I wish you guys would colaborate and throw them on here as well!!!

  13. bigmech02 says:

    Many thanks. You are awesome.

  14. Alex says:

    Thanks mate for the hard work, you make gamers happy everytime!

  15. Kyle says:

    Thanks for the great work… Using this is much easier and faster than farming for this stuff.

    Does anyone know where I can get the item codes for DLC 4 content? I’ve been using the following site, but they have not updated their site for the DLC 4 stuff yet.

  16. Chase says:

    Brand new user of the editor. here. Great work, Rick, and many thanks for saving days of farming.

    Has anyone else encountered an issue where r176 re-locks Ultimate Vault Hunter mode after it has been unlocked using a previous version (r158 or earlier)?

  17. Ant says:

    Hey Rick, thanks for the great work, I was doing the DLC quest Tiny Tina’s “Dwarven Allies” and I accidentally glitched the rubics cube bit, how would i change it so i revert to a older stage?

  18. TsuPoo says:

    So it keeps making me go back to southern shelf when I load my save now even though I’m like halfway through the game…

  19. L3ON says:

    I have a problem. A save created by the editor cannot then be reopened by it. That is to say, I can open the save, make no changes whatsoever, save it, and then attempt to reopen, and am met with this message:

    An exception was thrown (press Ctrl+C to copy):

    System.FormatException: unknown asset library set in packed data (this generally means new DLC that is not supported yet)

    at Gibbed.Borderlands2.FileFormats.Items.PackedDataHelper`2.Decode(Byte[] data, Platform platform)

    at Gibbed.Borderlands2.SaveEdit.BackpackViewModel.ImportData(WillowTwoPlayerSaveGame saveGame, Platform platform)

    at Gibbed.Borderlands2.SaveEdit.ShellViewModel.c__DisplayClass1c.b__17()

    at Caliburn.Micro.Contrib.Results.DelegateResult.Execute(ActionExecutionContext context)

    I uploaded the two versions:

    The file size has been increased by the process. I can load the updated one in game. It spawns me at the Southern Shelf but everything else is fine. When the game overwrites the save, the size reverts back but it still can’t be opened in the editor.

  20. Sallazzarr says:

    Hey Rick, love this tool, it’s helped me so much, but I keep getting the FIPS error, the one that a lot of people have been getting as well, but my situation is weird. So, I traded all my Dragon’s Keep items to a different character in-game, and these were some I already added before Update 176, and it worked just fine. Then, I leveled the gear, added the Blockade shield and the Psycho and Soldier Dragon’s Keep skins, as well as the rare spell grenade mods, then traded these items in-game to the character I wanted, used the heads and skins, then tried loading it back up in the editor, and it gave me the error again. I am almost certain it’s the Blockade shield, because no matter what I do, it is never in my inventory or bank after I add it. Then again, I’m not a programmer or any big technical expert, so I am probably wrong.

    • Sallazzarr says:

      Actually, hold on, since the Blockade shield isn’t working, it’s not on the character save that gets the error, so it could be the skins and heads, or something else.

  21. Axton says:

    I’m trying to fix my backpack because i was using an in game glitch for badass tokens and my inventory is full of skins it there a way to mass delete items to make this go faster?

  22. Zilla says:

    I keep getting an error when opening my file after extracting with Horizon and Modio. It makes a .sav file named: Save007. Error: Failed to load save: cannot load xbox 360 CON files, extract files using modio or equivalent. No i do not have any previous saves with Dragon Keep items with previous versions. All of the weapons in my backpack/inventory from Dragon Keep are legit obtained items. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks