Steam Achievement Manager games update

The following games have been added to the list of games that have achievements:

View all SAM updates.

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2 Responses to “Steam Achievement Manager games update”

  1. Takeru says:

    Help, error while trying to convert a .lib file

    Unhandled Exception: System.InvalidOperationException: too many bytes for type
    at Gibbed.Disrupt.BinaryObjectInfo.FieldHandlers.Ints.BaseHandler`1.Deseriali
    ze(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 count, Int32& read)
    at Gibbed.Disrupt.BinaryObjectInfo.ValueHandler`1.Export(FieldDefinition def,
    FieldType arrayFieldType, Byte[] data, Int32 offset, Int32 count, XmlWriter wri
    ter, Int32& read)
    at Gibbed.Disrupt.BinaryObjectInfo.FieldHandling.Export(FieldDefinition def,
    FieldType type, FieldType arrayType, Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 count, X
    mlWriter writer, Int32& read)
    at Gibbed.Disrupt.ConvertBinaryObject.Exporting.WriteNode(InfoManager infoMan
    ager, XmlWriter writer, IEnumerable`1 parentChain, BinaryObject node, ClassDefin
    ition def, ObjectFileDefinition objectFileDef)
    at Gibbed.Disrupt.ConvertBinaryObject.Exporting.MultiExportLibrary(ObjectFile
    Definition objectFileDef, String basePath, String outputPath, InfoManager infoMa
    nager, BinaryObjectFile bof)
    at Gibbed.Disrupt.ConvertBinaryObject.Program.Main(String[] args)