Steam Achievement Manager games update

The following games have been added to the list of games that have achievements:

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One Response to “Steam Achievement Manager games update”

  1. Fred says:

    Hi Rick. I have a question about Steam Achievement Manager. When I open it and choose a game, I see a list of all the achievements for that game. The ones I completed will be checked and the ones that are incomplete will be unchecked. If I want to unlock specific achievements that are currently locked, I read that I need to check their boxes and click the Store button. My question is this: If I click Store, will all my already completed achievements get a new timestamp? Or just the ones I unlocked using your app will have the new timestamp? I hope my question is clear. I don’t want to reset the timestamps on the achievements I already earned in the game.

    Either reply to my email that I provided when writing this comment (this is preferred) or reply here in the forum.

    Thank you.