Steam Achievement Manager 5.0

Due to lots of people bugging me about it, I’ve added support for editing statistic values to Steam Achievement Manager.

Now in version 5.0!

You can download the new version of Steam Achievement Manager on its page.

Also to address some concerns about people asking about Left 4 Dead achievements. They’re not “persisting” in-game when you unlock them in Steam Achievement Manager because there are statistic values tied to them, and the game verifies these when it lists its achievements. It has nothing to do with SteamCloud (that’s not its purpose!).

New games listed as of 5.0 (I added these before 5.0 but had not posted an update):

  • Killing Floor
  • Plants vs. Zombies
  • Zeno Clash


81 Responses to “Steam Achievement Manager 5.0”

  1. Steve says:

    For whoever downloaded this and then crashes, saying it’s encountered a problem, it’s because Valve have changed something in the steamclient.dll

    Is anyone working on this problem?

  2. A1dan says:

    This is not true for me. I installed Windows 7 RC onto a fresh partition, and had the same problem.

  3. Jengerer says:

    Yeah, the “solution” I described worked the first time this happened to me, but it doesn’t work anymore.

  4. Pierrox says:

    He doesn’t work on Windows Seven 64 bits

    “Steam achievement Manager Pikcer has stopped working”

    • Jonathan says:

      How do you get it to stop saying that?

      On my computer it keeps poping up every 10 seconds it’s anying and i have had it for about a month.

  5. TheName says:

    He knows that there is a problem, just give him time to work on it.

  6. A1dan says:

    I never said I was running Win 7 64-bit. However, SAM did used to work on Win 7 32-bit, but stopped when Valve updated steam.

  7. fragmatik says:

    when do this prog will work again? need to reset all achievements to zero =)

  8. Zeth says:

    This was awesome, please fix it or post an old revision of steam and use the no-update .cfg setting to still use this without the steam update.

  9. RoyaleBeast says:

    hey dude when u fix it would it be possible to make it so u can give yourself items in tf2?

  10. TS says:

    Plz add a Americas Army 3 support.

  11. Matt says:

    Hey Rick
    I know you are probably busy, but a lot of people need your help. Something with the Steam update broke your program, now the Picker won’t run. Please fix this ASAP!

  12. HV says:

    Yeah mate please release a update soon!
    Nothing works now!
    please help us!

  13. Rich says:

    Guys, I am working on this program, give me time it will be finished soon.

  14. Rick says:


  15. Rick says:

    Are you trying to pretend to be me? 😛

  16. fragmatik says:

    so. any news rick?

  17. Rich says:

    no ive had this name Rich for along time and i only said that because ive dealed with programs like this and i was gonna email you and try and help but whatever lol

  18. Fender says:


  19. Andrew D says:

    He’s probably just trying to calm the tide of people begging for you to fix it D:

  20. Setlet says:

    When it is possible to lock medic grind achievements? Like “Peer review” or “Does it hurt when I do this” is 50/50, and I can’t get in 0/50.

  21. AwesomeCakes says:

    One question, will this unlock the weapons in TF2, like, to be able to use them?

  22. Johnny says:

    please fix the left 4 dead problem (They’re not “persisting” in-game when you unlock them in Steam Achievement Manager because there are statistic values tied to them, and the game verifies these when it lists its achievements) sucks my profile shows all 68/68 ach but in game shows 60/68…. with left 4 dead 2 works well

  23. Sarah says:

    If you fix this I will love you for all eternity >_>

  24. […] are specific achievement servers that give you achievements. I think I've used this successfully:…nt-manager-50/ VAC-safe since it basically just pretends it's a game server and relays that you got the […]

  25. […] join, type !givemeall or something and you get achievements. I think I've used this successfully:…nt-manager-50/ VAC-safe since it basically just pretends it's a game server and relays that you got the […]

  26. Nate says:

    can u PLEASE make this run without SAM.GAME.exe, it just keeps saying “failed to load”

  27. Plants Vs. Zombies should be given the title “game of the year”, this game is so addictive-`.

  28. xD says:

    can i lock achievement again?

  29. CaptainKaskus says:

    please next update add poker night at the inventory i need it

  30. LOLER says:

    i cant find the killing floor games in SAM 6.3 why and how do i fix it?