Unstable FC2 tool binaries from SVN revision 4

ArchiveViewer (and associated binaries). This fixes incompatability with x64 systems (an oversight on my part).


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77 Responses to “Unstable FC2 tool binaries from SVN revision 4”

  1. Eloi says:

    Please, someone knows how to convert an XML file for RML?

  2. DWT says:

    Holy Shit! I just played some audio files with Nero Showtime, just download and install Nero 9 and open the sounds.dat and sound_english.dat with nero showtime and you will get around 6 à 10 seconds of sound…


  3. DWT says:

    In sounds_english.dat you will hear around the 5 sec of the Jackall…

  4. Chris says:

    Hey Rick, is it possible to pack something into a .dat using your BuildArchive without it destroying all the other files?

    E.g. if I packed a 1kb in a .dat, it’d delete everything inside it and it would be just that 1kb file. It forces me to pack every other file in it too. Any target line command for this?

  5. Chris says:

    Anyways – forgot to say, very nice tools. 🙂

  6. Kryspin says:

    Hi. Thank you very much for your library XmlResourceFile. I used she for decoding RML file of game Avatar. Similarly I created backward library for XML to RML. In library XmlResourceFile you have 2 unkowns. I found what means: Unkown2 is number of nodes XML document, Unkown3 is number of elements attributes.

    Once more thanks.

  7. Eloi says:

    Hello, Rick would like to know if you’ve done the tool that converts XML to RML?
    Thank you in advance.

  8. Sakharov says:

    Is there any way to repack the files?

  9. L. Fino says:

    hii rick
    im on a mod for fc2 with your great tool. but now i must pack the files back to .fat
    can you tell me please in a message how can i do this. do you have maybe also a programm like this?
    thanks a lot for all
    [IMT] L. Fino

  10. ska says:

    hi can put an example of the order to do in convertor xml files please

  11. ska says:

    hi again i ve got your fc2 pack tool, thats amazing , no problem with archiveviewer, i ve pack and unpack the fat files without problem, but i m unable to use the xml converter files, just i need what commands to write in dos, please can you give me an example, i mgetting crazy, thanks.

  12. ska says:

    have you got any mod to place vehicles and weapons from fortunes pack in fc2 map editor? my e mail is escupealabandera@hotmail.com, thnks

  13. Hey, I know it’s been a while since I last posted here. I basically forgot all about what I was doing with the texture format. I recently stumbled upon the directory while cleaning my external HDD, and put together a quick program to systematically strip the header files off the textures.

    I’m looking into audio and model formats. I’ve heard audio is ogg vorbis, but I haven’t gotten any clips to play in any media player (MPC, WMP, VLC). If anyone’s got any hints, it would be helpful..

    And the model format is a mystery to me, except that it’s compiled to binary for the most part. Again, any clues would be nice.

    I’ll upload my texture converter to my blog in a few hours. Thanks to anyone who can help!

  14. vman says:

    Is the BuildArchive.exe posted anywhere?

  15. Kaiowas says:

    Dear Rick,

    You’re a lovely guy – thats created an amazing extraction tool.

    You think you can go one more buddy and complete a repacking tool?


    (Not to put too much of a burden on you!)


  16. Nath2010uk says:

    AFAIK, you don’t need to repack them. You should just be able to put the folders in the same place as the archives in the Data_win32 folder; in a similar way to Source and Bethesda games.

    But I have no idea how to edit any texture or model files.

  17. Malarki says:

    Ok, i modified the gamemodesconfig.xml in the common.dat file (increasing dmg, realistic mag size), repacked it to common.dat, but still have the weapons default values ingame. Found out that in patch.dat i had to do the same, still no changes !!!! I have installed the DLC, but removing it (just in case)…still have the standard values. I need help plz ! 🙁

  18. isaac says:

    Soooooo, when repacking, C\…., I’m assuming that ………..= whatever path ? right? And what of these people saying you don’t have to repack? I’ve tried just sticking the file in, but what tells farcry2 to load the unpacked file before the packed file, or am I to remove the fat file in place of the unpacked file? thx

  19. Matt says:

    Hi Rick, just wondering if theres any progress? Im just interested in extracting the weapon sounds and weapon textures so i can change them, then either repack them (have you completed the repacking tool?), or… i dunno, would treating it like a Source game work, as in just putting the files in a folder named ‘textures’ or something?

  20. Lord_Rius says:

    Hello, i have one question, anybody knows how convert xml to rml strings?

  21. McHarrison says:

    Thank you for the unpacker! You did a great job!

    This is one of the few games imho worth to be modded, the Dunia-Engine is very strong and the editor for it is very charming. So decided to develop maps for it, mod or not, I think they will become impressive.

    It seems that the Far Cry 2 (->FC2) developer team or U-soft or both are not very interested in a modded game, no wonder, I think they will sell their new FC 3, 4. But I bet, they also license the Dunia engine to other game developers. So it must be not to so difficult to get involved in the secrets.

    Altough FC2 uses a new “Dunia” engine, I bet, most of the Far Cry 1 “Cry-Engine” features are still inthere. I think it must easily be possible to make the water move more, and make higher permanent waves.
    It also must be easy to generate waterfalls (like you can see in the included “Cut Bait”-map), … I think the variables for that must be hidden somewhere inside.

    feel free to contact me at: mcharrison at quantentunnel . de

  22. cool says:

    Hello all
    Anybody knows how to convert xml to rml?
    Rick please make xml to rml, thanks.

  23. Khrodes says:

    For those wondering how to covert an RML into XML, the command is:

    C:\…\Gibbed.FarCry2.ConvertXMLResource.exe C:\…\RMLFileToBeConverted.rml C:\…\NameOfXMLOutputFile.xml

    Unfortunately at this time there’s no way to convert XML to RML, though judging by the trunk Rick’s working on it.

  24. cool says:

    Hell yeah 🙂
    I’m glad to hear that Khrodes
    Thank you Rick

  25. VaaS104 says:

    Khrodes, i don’t see Gibbed.FarCry2.ConvertXMLResource.exe or maybe i have downloaded wrong version of the tools?!

    However, is Rick planing to finish the tools?

    I mean that adding the unknown files that were left and building a XML to RML tool.

    Thanks 🙂

  26. Lessence says:

    Bought me FC3 and did not like it in many ways.
    Meanwhile a modded editor for FC3 appeared. But it is banned by Ubisoft due to server overload…. So I will stay with FC2 mapping. The latest editor mod Finos 1.8 is not bad but still remains some inconsistency. It is now possible to implement some elements like smoke without any DLC-pack (downloadable content) into the main Multiplayer game, but for most elements like water effects it is not possible without DLC. I think that’s an mistake cause I mean DLC is not necessary for anything but some new vehicles and weapons. It must be some case of misrouting to the proper elements. It would be very interesting to have some table with all the elements in FC2′