Borderlands 2 Save Editor (GitHub releases)

  • Releases have been moved to GitHub.

Download latest release from GitHub.

If you encounter any problems (crashes, etc), please create a new GitHub issue. You can comment on this post as well, but GitHub issues will see more attention.

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142 Responses to “Borderlands 2 Save Editor (GitHub releases)”

  1. jrau says:

    know it’s been a long time since it came out but has there been any kind of new efforts to get gibbed to work with current gen consoles? I know can I can still edit the PS3 file and cross save but do you think there will be any life for this in future releases that are only on current gen consoles? Just curious

    • jrau says:

      I’d love to be able to use gibbed with Borderlands 3 one day

      • Rick says:

        That’s entirely reliant on tools being made to decrypt and encrypt currentgen console saves.

        • jrau says:

          Yeah I figured. Didn’t know if there had been an progress on that front of if it was something anyone was even really working towards

        • V1kerino says:

          Well PS4 Save Wizard now exists. Have you looked into it Rick?

        • SinbadDragon says:

          So, have you tried messing with anything to make the PS4 version editable without the use of PS3 and 360? I’ve been waiting for so long (as have others) sorry if I sound pushy, I’m just impatient

          • colin says:

            i don’t have the pre sequel on ps3 and having a way to gib a save with out buying a ps3 version would be nice

        • greg says:

          trying t download borderlands tps and borderlands 2 save editor on another computer but it’s not alowing me to view the download page. ANy suggestions?

    • geno says:

      why cant i find the download

    • Logan Douglas says:

      I have gin, horizon, etc but I’m having a issue. When I download my profile from horizon to my dashboard then open gib and look for it, it’s not in my dashboard. But when I open my files it shows it is. I have no idea how to fix this. Please help.

    • Death says:

      I really want to be able to use Gib in Borderlands 3 to know Gib has a future. As well I don’t have a ps3 or xbox 360 so I really want Gib to update with the times.

  2. Cross says:

    How do you get the save file on the nvidia shield?

    • Dude says:

      Can’t you just get to the files? Does it have an SD card?, try to connect it to the PC in anyway to see the file system.

  3. yes says:

    how comewhen i save the character to the bl2 save folder, the character doesn’t show up in the game?

  4. Anon says:

    @yes to be shown in game it needs to have its own “save slot” which can be changed in the general tab

  5. thatguy says:

    i cant get the save editor to work, every time i load a save up it gives me a reencode mismatch error, but it will allow me to create a new save. what is happening?

    • Rick says:

      Reencode mismatch means there was data loss when verifying your save. If you’re absolutely sure you’re running the latest release of the save editor, and using the correct save editor for the game save you’re opening, please post a sample of your save file.

  6. ZAch h says:

    just click run not extract all

  7. MountainJ says:

    Hey, how do you run the save editor? I can’t find any .exe or anything and the readme don’t mention it.

  8. LoveMuffin says:

    How do i find my saved games? When ever i look up how to do it on YouTube they tell me to check the willow games folder but all that i see in there are folders called “Config” “CookedPCConsole” ‘Localization” “Movies” and “splash”. I looked through those and cant seem to fine anything.

  9. AnonymousLiger says:

    But does it work with the community patch kek

    • Rick says:

      The only reason that wouldn’t work is if they added entirely new items. It might be inaccurate with suggesting items might be deleted but it should work.

  10. Blade says:

    hey im getting that reencode mismach error too im running the latest editor version and im running the latest game update as well and i know my save is good im using the right save and running off the correct platform as well but it still won’t work. can i get a hand?

  11. Blade says:

    i was also wondering if you have already or would upload the dlc files for borderlands 2 if not i understand but i’m sure im not the only one who would appreciate that

  12. David A Dampier says:

    Is there a better way to increase mission/region difficulty in borderlands 2? I have tried to modify the level on MissionPlaythroughData objects that are active, and also increasing the level on the RegionStageData objects, but nothing seems to stick. Everything else is great thanks!

  13. Chinsie says:

    Everytime I open Gibbed I get the error “the procedure entry point LeaveCriticalSection could not be located in the dynamic link library api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0.dll”
    Even after redownloading the dll I get this error. Does anyone know a solution for this?

  14. Carbone says:

    Hi, is there a prerequisite to add skillpoint ? The editor is working but when i want to add like 5 skill points the do save but when i launch my save and play, the points aren’t there.

  15. LOOPYQWERT says:

    Sorry that near end of year but just really got bl2 on pc and found this. How to actually use github to download/use zip or anything to actually use?

  16. Omar says:

    Can somebody please tell me which file to download, because it’s not clear what is what.

  17. gori says:

    I wonder this too

  18. hakim says:

    hey im trying to get this to work but done know how? i download the github and made an account and it doesn’t do anything aint really a computer guy

  19. hakim says:

    like i dunno what a full net framework is or anything im just lost

  20. hakim says:

    and when ever i wanna open it i says got to the app store to pick a app to open this with

  21. hakim says:

    where do i get

  22. Derpsaurus says:

    I’m running into a problem where my overpowered stat keeps changing back to 0 after I save it as 8. Is there something I’m doing wrong or is this a glitch?

  23. Brendan says:

    I am looking throug h these comments and seeing people having the same issue with the “reencode Mismatch” and I have tried the fixes you have mentioned but I still have the issue. I can create my own save file and give that whatever I want and then use it but after I save and quit the game to edit it some more, I get the error message. I do not know how to fix this. I have the latest release, I have completely removed the editor and reinstalled it and that didn’t work. I have my Borderlands 2 on pc updated to the most recent patch and I still get the error.

  24. matt says:

    i keep running into an issue where i try to load my ps3 save and it causes the program to stop working and close. im using 1.0.3 and bruteforce save data editor. any ideas?

  25. Brooselee says:

    I see that support for the nVidia Shield. Does anyone have insight as to where the game save files are located? I’m struggling using Xplorer on the Shieldtv to locate any games saves.

    • Brooselee says:

      Got it all figured out. Will post an update later. The ShieldTV HAS to be rooted to access the save files. They are in a subfolder in /data/data. I was able to retrieve the save and did a few small modifications and sent it back to the ShieldTV. Everything works!

  26. roawh says:

    Hey Rick,

    I’m new to BL2 data, do you have any advice on how to get the raw parts / stats data e.g. what was used behind the Gear Calculator? The one thing I’m missing in the Save Editor is I can’t view stats from BL2 codes or part combos…but the gear calculator website never got updated for L50+. Thanks!

  27. Naf says:

    I am confused here, I open the save, but I don’t see my current character in game.

  28. TT says:

    Why doesn’t the skill points addition work? I’m level 7 commando with 6 assigned skill points but when I try to add more unused skill points it doesn’t work. I tried adding them in increments of 5, 10 50 skill points but nothing works

  29. Swarley says:

    When will u be able to do it on ps4 since I only have an Xbox and my ps3 is broken

  30. idek says:

    what is the current latest version of gibbed?

  31. He4dshotjenkins says: new Ps4 save editor….. has anyone checked this out yet????????

  32. Hello. I am looking to get in touch with Gibbed. The creator.
    My name is xXTheDevilsSonXx, and I run a company called wolvesdeninc. (c) 2018. I was looking to discuss a few things. Please shoot me an email, and contact information. Thank you.

  33. colin says:

    i have never gibbed to a ps3 and need help doing so. everytime i try to it always still referred to by the level 1 zero i used as a base for gibbing. i scrubbed through out the internet trying to find answers and couldn’t. so if anyone can answer my question please, i have been trying for a awhile

  34. Salarian says:

    So, now that Borderlands 2 Handsome Collection is supported on SAve Wizard and it is allowed to use Advanced Mode on it, will you be looking into getting this save editor the ability to support the PS4 .sav file? Please let me know.

    • Rick says:

      The samples of saves I’ve received have been in the raw save format that I won’t support in my editor. If you want support you need to ask the Save Wizard people to provide the original save data after decrypting only the PS4 decryption.

      • Salarian says:

        So the .sav file that I can export from the PS4 save date in the Save Wizard’s advanced mode isn’t the one you need?! This is the same .sav that I could hex edit if need be and import back into the PS4 save.

  35. kenneth says:

    okay so im using horizon to extract the savegame.sav file, and every time I try opening it in gibbed, it keeps telling me “Failure to load save; Invalid or unsupported version”. now im no noob at using save editors etc, why is this happening??? I have the 1.05 version of gibbed or whatever its called (most recent version) so I don’t understand. does it require me to own all DLC in the game? if so which ones. thanks in advance. im just trying to edit my damn eridium lol!

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    page arre truly amazing for people experience, well, keep up
    the good work fellows.

  37. Sergiu says:

    Hey, how can i change the skins and heads? It is not working for me. If i open the program it shows that i have the skins i wanted in the box but when i enter the game is the default skin

  38. 02 says:

    how do i change the mission with this

  39. Taylor says:

    Windows 8.1 x64 App won’t Open Due to a major dll file error
    The error that I get is for Version 256; Also I gave it full admin rights, allowed through firewall as well, on a side note I even tried the Windows compatibility mode 7 and 8 with no luck at all.
    Gibbed’s Borderlands 2 Save Editor
    Stopped working
    ‎11/‎24/‎2018 7:58 PM
    Report sent
    Faulting Application Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Xbox360 Mod Programs\Borderlands series\Borderlnds 2 save editor ricks\Gibbed.Borderlands2.SaveEdit.exe
    Problem signature
    Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
    Application Name: Gibbed.Borderlands2.SaveEdit.exe
    Application Version:
    Application Timestamp: 5634c163
    Fault Module Name: KERNELBASE.dll
    Fault Module Version: 6.3.9600.19178
    Fault Module Timestamp: 5bc006fd
    Exception Code: c06d007e
    Exception Offset: 0000000000008e6c
    OS Version: 6.3.9600.
    Locale ID: 1033
    Additional Information 1: ed02
    Additional Information 2: ed02a0aadfd0aa6c6cb5825519bfff96
    Additional Information 3: f43a
    Additional Information 4: f43aaaf2b3ac596c8a0868c2c9ea8647
    Extra information about the problem
    Bucket ID: c5119f7cbfd8b5d84364821ba858b3d3 (1397384839691809747)

  40. brock says:

    I am getting the issue where it says reencode mismatch

  41. Marta says:

    They always use arbitrary number turbines that
    are skillfully tried by private organizations.

  42. MaJic says:

    i have a decrypted save for ps4 from save wizard from the backups it reads differnt in hex editor then the normal extracted save i will link it if anyone is interested would love for this to work on ps4 they got willow tree for BL1 to work on ps4 recently

    • Rick says:

      I won’t be adding support for this because they are unwrapping the save format. Ask the Save Wizard people to allow you to export the original decrypted save and import it.

  43. Papa Folder says:

    Hi. I am new at this. I am trying to use save editor, I load character but when I change something, I cannot save it. Something like this pop up:An Exception was thrown(press Ctrl+C to copy):
    System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path is denied.
    at System.I.O.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 eroeCode, String maybeFullPath)
    at …
    What sould I do? Where am I making mistake? THX P

  44. Lex says:

    A PlayStation 4 version is available?

  45. Mat says:

    hello , i have the handsome collection for ps4, and i know gibbed can´t be used but , i am curious , using the advanced mod of save wizard i can extract the SAVE0001.sav by clicking export file in the menu . It is possible to update gebed the read this ssave?

  46. JohnnyH87 says:

    Is there anywhere you can download previous versions of the save editor? The latest release crashes every time I try to edit missions.

    • Rick says:

      Previous versions are right there on GitHub under releases.

      Have you considered actually reporting the issue?

      • JohnnyH87 says:

        Thanks, I think I solved it.
        The problem seems to have been with either my anti malware, I had the previous version white listed but I guess I needed to do the same with the new version.

  47. UnholyMaggot says:

    Plans to update Gibbed again? Commander Lilith & the Fight for Sanctuary just dropped

    • DekklinOfDeath says:

      I’m hoping so. It doesn’t recognize the new tier of weapons (Rainbow)

  48. DekklinOfDeath says:

    I’m hoping so. It doesn’t recognize the new tier of weapons (Rainbow)

  49. Szabolcs says:

    Hi! How to unlock the Community Skins and Head for the characters? I tried to all option, but I can’t add my backpack.