Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel! Save Editor (Revision 39)

See new post.

A small hotfix has been applied that makes this revision 39 (from revision 37). If you downloaded revision 37, feel free to redownload.

  • Update for October 29, 2015 game update (build 1100103).


If you encounter any problems (crashes, etc), feel free to comment this post.

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266 Responses to “Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel! Save Editor (Revision 39)”

  1. Mike says:

    Thank you so much Rick 🙂

  2. el.mutant says:

    Great Mind! One big thank you, Rick!

  3. nyvram says:

    Thank you!

  4. Person with question says:

    THANK YOU!!!!

  5. Sabid Miah says:

    Can you pleas make GIBBED for Xbox one and ps4

  6. 4yRka653 says:


  7. johnnywintermute says:

    Many thanks for the quick fix! Much appreciated – cheers from London in the autumn sun …

  8. lawless says:

    thanks so much!

  9. nickhhh says:

    i think i might be doing it wrong i keep getting an error message “Invalid or unsupported version, i used Horizon and extracted both .Sav and the .sav inside the gamesave .lol if you get what im saying

    • TheHitman says:

      when you opening the .sav from the program look at the bottom corner it will have a drop down menu. the default is PC just click it and choose your console

  10. Snoopy says:

    Keep getting this error:
    An exception was thrown (press Ctrl+C to copy):

    ProtoBuf.ProtoException: Invalid wire-type; this usually means you have over-written a file without truncating or setting the length; see

    at ProtoBuf.ProtoReader.StartSubItem(ProtoReader reader)

    at ProtoBuf.ProtoReader.ReadTypedObject(Object value, Int32 key, ProtoReader reader, Type type)

    at proto_2(Object , ProtoReader )

    at ProtoBuf.Meta.TypeModel.DeserializeCore(ProtoReader reader, Type type, Object value, Boolean noAutoCreate)

    at ProtoBuf.Meta.TypeModel.Deserialize(Stream source, Object value, Type type, SerializationContext context)

    at ProtoBuf.Serializer.Deserialize[T](Stream source)

    at Gibbed.BorderlandsOz.FileFormats.SaveFile.Deserialize(Stream input, Platform platform, DeserializeSettings settings)

    at Gibbed.BorderlandsOz.SaveEdit.ShellViewModel.c__DisplayClass29.b__1e()

    at Caliburn.Micro.Contrib.Results.DelegateResult.Execute(ActionExecutionContext context)

  11. Devvvin says:

    Thanks soooo so so much

  12. John says:

    Thanks a bunch Rick. Keep up the good work

  13. CrasherBoi says:

    I love you Rick, you should know that <3 Thanks so much for this and 2's fix. I love all of your borderlands mod thingies XD even the original one is decent enough until you need willowtree for weapons but who cares about weapons XD

  14. Spiritman says:

    I downloaded the latest editor and I am getting this message,
    An exception was thrown (press Ctrl+C to copy):

    System.IO.FileLoadException: Could not load file or assembly ‘protobuf-net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=257b51d87d2e4d67’ or one of its dependencies. The located assembly’s manifest definition does not match the assembly reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040)

    File name: ‘protobuf-net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=257b51d87d2e4d67’

    at Gibbed.Borderlands2.FileFormats.SaveFile.Deserialize(Stream input, Platform platform, DeserializeSettings settings)

    at Gibbed.Borderlands2.SaveEdit.ShellViewModel.c__DisplayClass29.b__1e()

    at Caliburn.Micro.Contrib.Results.DelegateResult.Execute(ActionExecutionContext context)

    WRN: Assembly binding logging is turned OFF.

    To enable assembly bind failure logging, set the registry value [HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Fusion!EnableLog] (DWORD) to 1.

    Note: There is some performance penalty associated with assembly bind failure logging.

    To turn this feature off, remove the registry value [HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Fusion!EnableLog].


    • Rick says:

      That sounds like you haven’t correctly extracted the save editor from the ZIP archive. You need to extract ALL files and retain the directory structure.

    • kane says:

      An exception was thrown (press Ctrl+C to copy):

      ProtoBuf.ProtoException: Invalid wire-type; this usually means you have over-written a file without truncating or setting the length; see

      at ProtoBuf.ProtoReader.StartSubItem(ProtoReader reader)

      at ProtoBuf.ProtoReader.ReadTypedObject(Object value, Int32 key, ProtoReader reader, Type type)

      at proto_2(Object , ProtoReader )

      at ProtoBuf.Meta.TypeModel.DeserializeCore(ProtoReader reader, Type type, Object value, Boolean noAutoCreate)

      at ProtoBuf.Meta.TypeModel.Deserialize(Stream source, Object value, Type type, SerializationContext context)

      at ProtoBuf.Serializer.Deserialize[T](Stream source)

      at Gibbed.BorderlandsOz.FileFormats.SaveFile.Deserialize(Stream input, Platform platform, DeserializeSettings settings)

      at Gibbed.BorderlandsOz.SaveEdit.ShellViewModel.c__DisplayClass29.b__1e()

      at Caliburn.Micro.Contrib.Results.DelegateResult.Execute(ActionExecutionContext context)
      i keep getting this what do i do

  15. Seek says:

    If i want to edit a save file iam getting evry time the following error “reencode mismatch” what can i do to fix it?

    • Rick says:

      – Are you using the correct save editor for the game you’re trying to edit the save for?
      – Are you using the latest version of the save editor?
      – Are you selecting the correct platform of the save when opening the save?

      If yes to all those questions and you’re still getting a reencode mismatch, please upload a sample of the save file giving you this error to any file sharing site and link it here so that I can take a look.

  16. Glazey says:

    i click the application but it crashes without even showing its self help please!

  17. John says:

    getting sha1 error even after the new version. i use it like i always have and it still continues to give sha1 error

  18. Steelborn says:

    Can’t get it to work error says
    Failed to load: cannot load XBOX 360 CON files extract save using modio.

    Tried that and modio didn’t make a difference

  19. ToR says:

    Thank you Rick! I really appreciate your continue development of this editor 🙂
    Oh just to leave a feedback:
    Running on Windows 10 x64, Borderlands Pre-Sequel 1.0.7, italian language: your editor works just perfectly.

  20. ??? says:

    Hello. Can you make program like SAM, but for website cartoonnetwork? Some of the badges not work or lagged.
    And stupid administartors not help.
    Hope YOU can help me! :3

  21. tombestofbest1 says:

    hi rick your editor is great and it worked but recely i downloaded the tiy tinas dlc and when i try to open my save in gibbes it gives me this error
    An exception was thrown (press Ctrl+C to copy):

    ProtoBuf.ProtoException: Invalid wire-type; this usually means you have over-written a file without truncating or setting the length; see

    at ProtoBuf.ProtoReader.StartSubItem(ProtoReader reader)

    at ProtoBuf.ProtoReader.ReadTypedObject(Object value, Int32 key, ProtoReader reader, Type type)

    at proto_2(Object , ProtoReader )

    at ProtoBuf.Meta.TypeModel.DeserializeCore(ProtoReader reader, Type type, Object value, Boolean noAutoCreate)

    at ProtoBuf.Meta.TypeModel.Deserialize(Stream source, Object value, Type type, SerializationContext context)

    at ProtoBuf.Serializer.Deserialize[T](Stream source)

    at Gibbed.BorderlandsOz.FileFormats.SaveFile.Deserialize(Stream input, Platform platform, DeserializeSettings settings)

    at Gibbed.BorderlandsOz.SaveEdit.ShellViewModel.c__DisplayClass29.b__1e()

    at Caliburn.Micro.Contrib.Results.DelegateResult.Execute(ActionExecutionContext context)

  22. RIPeronies says:

    An exception was thrown (press Ctrl+C to copy):

    ProtoBuf.ProtoException: Invalid wire-type; this usually means you have over-written a file without truncating or setting the length; see

    at ProtoBuf.ProtoReader.StartSubItem(ProtoReader reader)

    at ProtoBuf.ProtoReader.ReadTypedObject(Object value, Int32 key, ProtoReader reader, Type type)

    at proto_2(Object , ProtoReader )

    at ProtoBuf.Meta.TypeModel.DeserializeCore(ProtoReader reader, Type type, Object value, Boolean noAutoCreate)

    at ProtoBuf.Meta.TypeModel.Deserialize(Stream source, Object value, Type type, SerializationContext context)

    at ProtoBuf.Serializer.Deserialize[T](Stream source)

    at Gibbed.BorderlandsOz.FileFormats.SaveFile.Deserialize(Stream input, Platform platform, DeserializeSettings settings)

    at Gibbed.BorderlandsOz.SaveEdit.ShellViewModel.c__DisplayClass29.b__1e()

    at Caliburn.Micro.Contrib.Results.DelegateResult.Execute(ActionExecutionContext context)

    Not sure what the problem is. I get this error one very single save file.

  23. Randi Urton says:

    Hi Rick, I get this error whenever I try to open a save on r39;

    An exception was thrown (press Ctrl+C to copy):

    System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly ‘Gibbed.IO, Version=1.0.5782.7774, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null’ or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.

    File name: ‘Gibbed.IO, Version=1.0.5782.7774, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null’

    at Gibbed.BorderlandsOz.FileFormats.SaveFile.Deserialize(Stream input, Platform platform, DeserializeSettings settings)

    at Gibbed.BorderlandsOz.SaveEdit.ShellViewModel.c__DisplayClass29.b__1e()

    at Caliburn.Micro.Contrib.Results.DelegateResult.Execute(ActionExecutionContext context)

    WRN: Assembly binding logging is turned OFF.

    To enable assembly bind failure logging, set the registry value [HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Fusion!EnableLog] (DWORD) to 1.

    Note: There is some performance penalty associated with assembly bind failure logging.

    To turn this feature off, remove the registry value [HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Fusion!EnableLog].


  24. yomama4465 says:

    Hi, Rick

    I am thankful that you made this cool application! But I am having some troubles. My BL2 Application is perfectly fine, but when I extract all BLPS saveeditor revision 39 my BLPS saveeditor application disappears for some reason.

  25. phil says:

    After i extract the file and open it in Gibbed i get this message:

    An exception was thrown (press Ctrl+C to copy):

    ProtoBuf.ProtoException: Invalid wire-type; this usually means you have over-written a file without truncating or setting the length; see

    at ProtoBuf.ProtoReader.StartSubItem(ProtoReader reader)

    at ProtoBuf.ProtoReader.ReadTypedObject(Object value, Int32 key, ProtoReader reader, Type type)

    at proto_2(Object , ProtoReader )

    at ProtoBuf.Meta.TypeModel.DeserializeCore(ProtoReader reader, Type type, Object value, Boolean noAutoCreate)

    at ProtoBuf.Meta.TypeModel.Deserialize(Stream source, Object value, Type type, SerializationContext context)

    at ProtoBuf.Serializer.Deserialize[T](Stream source)

    at Gibbed.BorderlandsOz.FileFormats.SaveFile.Deserialize(Stream input, Platform platform, DeserializeSettings settings)

    at Gibbed.BorderlandsOz.SaveEdit.ShellViewModel.c__DisplayClass29.b__1e()

    at Caliburn.Micro.Contrib.Results.DelegateResult.Execute(ActionExecutionContext context)

  26. Steve says:

    Hey Rick.
    Question: will unlocking achievements in Nosgoth will be possible?

    • Rick says:

      If it’s not already possible, then probably not.

      • Steve says:

        SAM shows the game and achievements but when you mark one and press store it says that 1 achievements ware saved but it does not unlock on Steam.

        May it be becouse game is still in beta state ?

  27. Ray says:

    So I tried to make a level 50 Athena using this revision of the editor, and now on the first loading screen my game crashes at ‘Loading Default Character.’ Any idea how to help?

  28. Adam says:

    Its possible add higher than 33 inventory slots? for Pre Sequel
    In BL2 added with no problem, but Pre-Sequel wont increase higher than 33.

  29. Maulz says:

    Dont know if im doing something wrong, but i have followed the install instructions to the T, and this is the first build where the exe wont appear. I click on the program, get the loading circle, then nothing happens. Can anybody help?

  30. DarkDarkPerson says:

    How do you change Badass Rank/stuff

    • Takahash1 says:

      its stored in profile data . u cant , u need to get someone else’s profile data n resigned it , find those that hack through cfw on ver 1.0 n put it on the net for ppl to download .

      • dirtyboots says:

        he can, just like we did in bl2.. change the prestige value in raw tab, delete profile save, load the gibbed character and a new profile save will be created with high badass rank. he just have to use tokens manually

  31. christy says:

    can you mod my cant piz mod gun lipin and make me level 900 plz

  32. Jon says:

    I keep getting an error saying
    ” Failed to load svae: Cannot load XBOX 360 Con Files, extract save using Modio or equivalent.”
    I used Horizon and switched the drop down menu from PC to Xbox.

    • JohnD says:

      Same here. I have no problems extracting files with Horizon for use with other save game editors but this one apparently only wants to work with Modio.

      Also, the in-app font is too small.

  33. Chris says:

    Hello Rick. I need some help. With the Current version of the Pre Sequel save editor(R39) i get the SHA1 hash error when trying to open PS3 saves. I have decrypted the save and i still get the error. I also make sure to pick PS3 from the drop down menu when you open the save.

    I have also extracted all of the files for the save editor. Please look at my save and tell me what is wrong or if i am doing something wrong.

    Pre Sequel Save

    Any help would be great.

    • Chris says:

      I have the German version of the game. But since it is the PAL region there should be no problems. Though clearly there is

  34. Plurp says:

    Um, this doesn’t happen to work for a Mac does it?

  35. THEHORSE says:

    Hiya Rick, I cant use this save editor because of this error. can you figure it out for me? ty
    An exception was thrown (press Ctrl+C to copy):

    System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly ‘Gibbed.IO, Version=1.0.5782.7774, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null’ or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.

    File name: ‘Gibbed.IO, Version=1.0.5782.7774, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null’

    at Gibbed.BorderlandsOz.FileFormats.SaveFile.Deserialize(Stream input, Platform platform, DeserializeSettings settings)

    at Gibbed.BorderlandsOz.SaveEdit.ShellViewModel.c__DisplayClass29.b__1e()

    at Caliburn.Micro.Contrib.Results.DelegateResult.Execute(ActionExecutionContext context)

    WRN: Assembly binding logging is turned OFF.

    To enable assembly bind failure logging, set the registry value [HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Fusion!EnableLog] (DWORD) to 1.

    Note: There is some performance penalty associated with assembly bind failure logging.

    To turn this feature off, remove the registry value [HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Fusion!EnableLog].


  36. David says:

    Is there a way to edit the challenges? I’ve done most of them but I just can’t handle the grinding anymore

  37. alex says:

    help it keeps on saying reencode missmach i have a xbox save file

  38. Brandon says:

    thanks! I love your editors

  39. playaman82 says:

    Hello Rick,

    I have the following Error when I try to open the Savefile:

    “Failed to load save: SHA1 hash”

    For the Save Editor for BL2 I don’t have the Problem.

    – The file is Decrypt with Brute Force Save Data

    – I have tried it with a Lvl 44 and Lvl 2 saves

    – I’m choosing in the open-menu PS3 as file-type (and yes it’s a PS3 sve game 😛 )

    And now I don’t know how to solve this Problem or error… 🙁

    for Your informations.

    PC: Windows 7

    Game: BLES 02058

    It would be fine when u can help me

    Thx a lot

    Greetz from Germany

    • playaman82 says:

      By the way it shows me ever this disc-hash-key: 02010508040102010508030A0F070C0D

      i don’t know is this important

    • Playaman82 says:

      Sorry for Double posts. …
      But is that correct that is Not possible to create the storm front granade ?

  40. ZwK says:

    When I click on the .exe to start it the programm didn’t start pls help me!

  41. Shin says:

    The recent updates to BLTPS on PC cause saved games to appear corrupt in the editor. It gives a message of “Failed to load save: reencore mismatch”. Only saved games which have an item from the latest update (from a few weeks ago) seem to case this.

  42. Vitthunder says:

    Hei Rick sorry for the off-topic but i just wanted to ask if you are going to make some sort of “Gibbed’s kingdoms of amalur: reckoning” save editor; tanks a lot for your work!

  43. Aaron says:

    An exception was thrown (press Ctrl+C to copy):

    ProtoBuf.ProtoException: Invalid wire-type; this usually means you have over-written a file without truncating or setting the length; see

    at ProtoBuf.ProtoReader.StartSubItem(ProtoReader reader)

    at ProtoBuf.ProtoReader.ReadTypedObject(Object value, Int32 key, ProtoReader reader, Type type)

    at proto_2(Object , ProtoReader )

    at ProtoBuf.Meta.TypeModel.DeserializeCore(ProtoReader reader, Type type, Object value, Boolean noAutoCreate)

    at ProtoBuf.Meta.TypeModel.Deserialize(Stream source, Object value, Type type, SerializationContext context)

    at ProtoBuf.Serializer.Deserialize[T](Stream source)

    at Gibbed.BorderlandsOz.FileFormats.SaveFile.Deserialize(Stream input, Platform platform, DeserializeSettings settings)

    at Gibbed.BorderlandsOz.SaveEdit.ShellViewModel.c__DisplayClass29.b__1e()

    at Caliburn.Micro.Contrib.Results.DelegateResult.Execute(ActionExecutionContext context)

    I thought I’ve tried everything, but apparently not. Could you lend a hand, Rick? I’m sure you’ve got tons of requests of this sort already, but.. It doesn’t hurt to ask.

  44. jojo says:

    wtf is this c—————————
    An exception was thrown (press Ctrl+C to copy):

    ProtoBuf.ProtoException: Invalid wire-type; this usually means you have over-written a file without truncating or setting the length; see

    at ProtoBuf.ProtoReader.StartSubItem(ProtoReader reader)

    at ProtoBuf.ProtoReader.ReadTypedObject(Object value, Int32 key, ProtoReader reader, Type type)

    at proto_2(Object , ProtoReader )

    at ProtoBuf.Meta.TypeModel.DeserializeCore(ProtoReader reader, Type type, Object value, Boolean noAutoCreate)

    at ProtoBuf.Meta.TypeModel.Deserialize(Stream source, Object value, Type type, SerializationContext context)

    at ProtoBuf.Serializer.Deserialize[T](Stream source)

    at Gibbed.BorderlandsOz.FileFormats.SaveFile.Deserialize(Stream input, Platform platform, DeserializeSettings settings)

    at Gibbed.BorderlandsOz.SaveEdit.ShellViewModel.c__DisplayClass29.b__1e()

    at Caliburn.Micro.Contrib.Results.DelegateResult.Execute(ActionExecutionContext context)

  45. yunndarak says:

    the gibbed borderlands the pre sequel version 39 doesn’t work the changes are not applied, the version 33 work with modio 5.3 and now it’s doesn’t work

  46. BOB WASHAM says:

    Like i already said thanks we old folks need ya!

  47. flynt says:


  48. pkisbest says:

    So im attempting to add new weapons in, but im unsure what i need to put in the Prefix and Title boxes, anyone able to give me a hand?? Also, the box has a red outline whenever i put something in it

  49. Windsor says:

    hey i was wondering if the save editor stops the game from showing that i am leveling up? like the exp bar doesnt show me gaining any exp, tho i did look at the quest objective tab in the inventory/map/skillpoint menu and it said that i was gainning some but im just concerned that i wont be able to level up any more

  50. GreatWhiteMenace says:

    Getting SHA1 error, the file is decrypted and rebuilt. i cant even open my previous save in the editor. Every time: Failed to load save: invalid SHA1 error