Borderlands 2 Save Editor (Revision 230)

Get the new version.

  • Updates to game info (“Wedding Day Massacre”, “Son of Crawmerax”) for the new Borderlands 2 content.


If you encounter any problems (crashes, etc), feel free to comment this post.

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730 Responses to “Borderlands 2 Save Editor (Revision 230)”

  1. jABRONI66 says:


  2. RenaHartley says:

    Some skins do not work. Is there any way around this or at least any codes for Gaige’s Chaos Reigns skin?

    • DOMIN8 says:

      That one has to be purchased.

      • Hacksecutor says:

        Hi, this is an amazing resource and I’m wondering if there will be another revision to accommodate the customizations for the 07-15-14 update (Pre-sequel heads and skins).

        Thank you very much for taking the time and effort for so long with all the revisions.

  3. Coblat says:

    Hello first,
    my question is, how do i change the number of golden Keys ingame?

    PS: I do not own the DLC.

  4. Punishersfury says:

    okay i been tryign to get the gibbed editor to put myself on the last quest to kill jack on true vulat hunter mode but it doesnt seem to work is there any way around it step by step instructions if there is a way around it

  5. Cookie says:

    Does Gibbed no longer work since the BL2 update? None of it seems to work for me now and I never had a problem until recently…

    • DOMIN8 says:

      Works fine for me.

      • Jornamber says:

        The only problem I have is it deletes my hybrid weapons from my valt when I load the game which is sooooooo annoying because making hybrids is the main reason why I got gibbed. BTW I got gibbed after the update so I don’t know what it was like before the update.

  6. me says:

    hi,trying to open an xbox360 save,and its says “failed to load save cannot load xbox 360 con files,extract using modio or equililent”but i already extracted it using horizon…still getting this error tho..thanks in advance for any help.

  7. DErp says:

    it just wont start up

  8. Mecenary says:

    Wont open the save file from the game and wont work with new made character from the gibbed PS3 guy here needs some help.

  9. Mecenary says:

    Basically I must not be using it right somewhere so need help

  10. GH says:

    program wont work. keeps saying program has stopped working…

  11. killam42 says:

    when i try to load a save onto this from my 360 i get an error saying invaild or unsupported version

  12. Arcon says:

    why cant I make a legendary assassin CM? It shows red square around TYPE field and no parts at all.
    Same for other classes. Same for heads..

  13. Billy says:

    I just downloaded Gibbed and I want to edit my existing legit non-modded character, but when I try to load it, it keeps saying “Failed to load save, reencode mismatch.” Any thoughts?

  14. Billy says:

    Also forgot to mention, this is for PC version and the drop box is selected to PC.

  15. SR says:

    Would Gibbed have done anything to the profile? I can’t seem to get any SHiFT codes to accumulate keys over the last couple of days. I’m well below 200, so I should still have room.

  16. Krokr says:

    Thanks a lot!

    I use it for nearly 2 years and never had any problem.

    Great work!

  17. Gost1122 says:

    Every time I try to open my save game file i keep getting an error popup that says:

    “system.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly ‘Gibbed.IO, Version=1.0.5043.16193, Culture=nuetral, PublicKeyToken=null’ or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.” and more random code.

    It seems to work fine with new games but i cant load my current save.
    Any fixes?

  18. Gavin says:

    when i try to open a save into the editor it says “failed to load save: reencode mismatch, any thoughts?

  19. wpar11 says:

    tried to open ps3 save file. Error failed to load save: invalid SHA1 hash

  20. Jornamber says:

    When I make a hybrid wepon in my valt if it has any exclamation marks indicating that sanity check will pick it up if it is in my inventory deletes itself when I enter my game. Can someone please tell me what I’m doing wrong and if as of the new update sanity check affects the bank now or not.

  21. Maggay says:

    Ok… How to make more backpack slots? In RAW menu i cannot change the inventory slot nr….

  22. aidan says:

    i tried opening the file in the zip folder and it wont open

  23. chris2332 says:

    will I get banned for doing this in ps3?

  24. RD says:

    Great utility. Been using it to see how the part/stat generator works in game. Might have found one bug today in it though. Got my hands on a Hoplite shield earlier from a seraph vendor, but after loading up my save in the editor, it just calls it a Turtle Shield. Not sure if that’s supposed to be like that or if something is misreading something somewhere.

    • Rick says:

      Post the item code and the exact name it should be please.

      • DOMIN8 says:

        BL2(BwAAAACEDwMLDRvAEBJIZAJEAgQIhBzE/////////78P4A+gOsQ=) – Hoplite
        BL2(BwAAAAAnoQMLDRvAEBJIZAJEAoQHhBzE/////////78P4A+gOsQ=) – Blast Proof Hoplite

        Both have the Prefix string – GD_Iris_SeraphItems.Hoplite.Iris_Seraph_Shield_Juggernaut_Prefix
        Both show up in Gibbed as Turtle Shield.

  25. Jonathan says:

    I have all the needed applications for modding my acc but for some reason the Save Editor or “Gibbed.Bor…” wont open. If someone could help me that would be great.

    P.S. I extracted the application from the file or took it out. Maybe that is the problem? How would I be able to fix it if this is the problem?

    • DOMIN8 says:

      Create a folder on your on your PC for Gibbed. Extract all the contents from the zip file to that folder. Run the exe.

  26. D3FALT says:

    so ive exstracted the files and trie opening it, and it just wont open, ive tried redownloadingit, and opening it, but nothing , which is annoying cnsiderin the fact that it wrked for about 30 secs about a hour ago but now it dosent want to work (ignoemy teriblespelling, I woke up 2 hours ago)

    • D3FALT says:

      its woring now, it must of jus ben the fact I accidentaly popped my game.sav file in their

  27. slayer says:

    dud been using this fin for last 2 days . but now when I dupe a save they only have 0/ 1 health any thoughs on what I have done wrong

  28. Satvir says:

    New Borderlands 2 themed head & skins, does anybody have the codes or any sort of link on where they can be obtained.

  29. king taco says:

    Hey guys I’ve decrypted my character with brute force and I still get the invalid SHA1 hash thing how can I fix it

  30. Jackie says:

    Hi, I got this error! what happened? I have .NET Framework 4.5 installed on my laptop.
    Please help
    An exception was thrown (press Ctrl+C to copy):

    System.InvalidOperationException: This implementation is not part of the Windows Platform FIPS validated cryptographic algorithms.

    at System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1Managed..ctor()

    at Gibbed.Borderlands2.FileFormats.SaveFile.Deserialize(Stream input, Platform platform, DeserializeSettings settings)

    at Gibbed.Borderlands2.SaveEdit.ShellViewModel.c__DisplayClass21.b__16()

    at Caliburn.Micro.Contrib.Results.DelegateResult.Execute(ActionExecutionContext context)

  31. Roscuro says:

    Just like to mention something I came across while playing with different versions of the Maliwan SMGs.
    For Rare quality SMGs the eidtor defaults the body of the SMG to:


    when it should be:


    Both work in the game but VarC will always make the gun appear Very Rare in quality.

    • DOMIN8 says:

      I believe this is an issues with the game files and not the editor. It used to not allow for any purple rarity Maliwan SMG’s to spawn but, if I’m not mistaken they have a hotfix that remedies the issue. If that’s the case it may be fixed once GBX releases a final patch that makes all hotfixes permanent.