Steam Achievement Manager 6.0


  • Fixed issue with recent Steam update where Picker would claim Steam was not running.
  • Fixed issue where adding a game manually did not work properly.
  • Overhauled how SAM obtains achievement and stat info, now parses the UserGameStatsSchema files found under the Steam directory.
  • The previous entry means that the bugs where stats or achievements were duplicated or missing should now be fixed.
  • Now has a display for stats that indicates if it is increment only or not.

You can download the new version of Steam Achievement Manager on its page.

Comment in this post if you’re having issues with the new version.


64 Responses to “Steam Achievement Manager 6.0”

  1. atomic says:

    Thank you SO much for constantly updating this!

  2. animals112 says:

    i cant download its showing in the link stoped

  3. Fan says:

    PLEASE update the download link on the SAM page!
    It’s still 5.2 and not 6.0 there.
    I need to get in on the juicy new features!!!!!!

  4. Joe says:

    Yeah, there’s no updated 6.0. It’s still the 5.2 version.

    Thank you for fixing this though, I just got back into playing L4D2 and my achievements were reset due to Steam.

  5. Rick says:

    Try completely reloading the page because both the page and download are updated for 6.0.

  6. whinypunk says:

    Thanks Rick!

  7. lulz says:

    Thanks RICKY.


  8. lol says:

    I have a QUESTION has it allways been vac ban risk?

  9. Alex says:

    Thanks for updating this! Awesome tool to re-earn achievements!

  10. Vince says:

    I’m on the page right now, for some reason it still says version 5.2.

    I’ve tried looking at a cached version, no difference. Help?

  11. SrTommy says:

    I love you man!!! I was waiting for this!! (Y)

  12. Matsilagi says:

    Im having problems with changing my experience and my level in Alien Swarm, it simply doesnt change!
    please help…

  13. jesus says:

    I ‘m having problems with Lead & Gold achievements…

    It says: Exception not controlled for the application

  14. snaggles says:

    Can you use this to remove achievements?

  15. dunadan says:

    Hey thanks a lot for your work Rick. 🙂

  16. Alex says:

    I have error. When i open it and when i click on team fortress 2 in sam picker it says that : Unhandled exception has occurred your application. If you click Continue the application will ingore this error and attempt to continue. If you click Quit, the application will close immediately.

  17. noname says:

    Hey tf2 achiviements don’t work plz help

  18. Alex says:

    Answer please admins !!!!!!!!!!

  19. Alex says:

    I have error. When i open it and when i click on team fortress 2 in sam picker it says that : Unhandled exception has occurred your application. If you click Continue the application will ingore this error and attempt to continue. If you click Quit, the application will close immediately.


  20. bu says:


  21. tito says:

    plz man can u get anew update links for saint row 2 resolution plz do it plz [lz pls

  22. 777 says:

    Doesn’t work with TF2 – gives an error of “Unhandled exception…”.

  23. Raxen_Fire says:

    Steam patched Alien Swarm and other games i think. Manager now can detect games but not be able to make changes to the achievements. Tested on Alien Swarm and returned an error when trying to save the modified values.

  24. Ottoman says:

    Can you add ”Pirates vikings and knights 2” to this unlocker? i couldnt find it on list, or add it PVK2 is a mod of HL2

    And raxen it works well on my AS, and my AS is updated to latest already, i unlocked 22 achievements with it, got all others manually

    • Raxen_Fire says:

      Umm thats odd since i wasn’t adding achievements just tweaking the number of kills that i have. I’ll try again then.

      • Raxen_Fire says:

        Tested it. Earning achievements is fine. Changing things in the statistics tab is not fine. You just get an error saying no u cant change it.

  25. Freeze Dried Fish says:

    My L4D2 stats won’t reset, the achivements will but the weapons and versus stats won’t. It keeps saying some value error and aborting store. I tried re-installing SAM, but it won’t work.

    • Rick says:

      What value are you trying to set, what value is it currently, what value are you trying to set it to?

      • FreezeDriedFish says:

        I know you can’t decrease the value of something once you set it to something higher. However, I’ve been using the “Reset all achivements and stats for active game” button. You know the little bomb icon, and it usually works. Why isn’t it working now? Did Steam happen to patch something so it doesn’t work with it?

        I tried this with L4D1, I set my Versus game wins to 400 and hit the bomb icon and it worked normally. Why won’t it work with L4D2?

        • II3eas7 says:

          Same problem here with the bomb icon not resetting L4D2 stats.
          It used to work in the past, but now it doesn’t.

      • Freeze Dried Fish says:

        Is there anything you can do to help?

      • Freeze Dried Fish says:

        L4D1 stats aren’t working either. My games played are at 720 I think, however when I normally click the small bomb icon, it usually sets them to “0” it resets my achievments and my campaign stats. But Versus and Weapon stats are fucked.

  26. Joe says:

    Wow, are you fags gonna fix the L4D2 problem or what?

  27. biochem says:

    Your SAM 6.0 is having a problem even the steam is running it keep saying “Steam is not running. Please start Steam then run this tool again.”

  28. isthatright says:

    I love the effort you put into this Rick, and I understand theres the disclaimer “Exit any active VAC protected games if any are running. While this tool does not directly interact with any game itself, it is better safe than sorry.”. However I like to know something. I left SAM running in main menu(where you choose which games to edit stats,achievements) and I forgot i left it running and joined 2 l4d2 vac secured servers(stupid, I know). Does it mean I’m in a risky position to be vac banned?

  29. Jim says:

    Are the L4D2 stats going to be fixed anytime soon? I can’t reset my weapon stats.

  30. Jim says:

    Are you guys fixing the L4D problem? Please get back to me.

  31. tf2maniac says:

    I used the achievement manager to unlock up to 80 percent of the tf2 achievements and now, I dont get random drops anymore, its like once a week, every thursday, thats it , for when i get drops, every other day im dry, i tried to undo some of the achievements that didnt match my stats, but still no luck, any suggestions?

  32. tf2player says:

    please update this!

  33. NOidea says:

    I ticked 1 box for an achev for a game I have called nyxquest I tick the box and nothing happens. Do I need to hit some other icon after ticking the box?

    I only see the bomb icon and three others below it. I dont want to unlock them all just one achievement is this possible?

  34. Porky says:

    Find error when opening the game metal drift, please fix this.

  35. Alex says:

    Hey guys I need help with christmas achievements for killing floor… I get this for examaple for “Back to work”. I get this error… “An error occurred while setting the state for Kill20ChristmasClots, abourting store.” I also try log in as admin and get this… “Steam is not running. Please start Steam then run the tool again.” Meanwhile, Steam is up and still doesn’t work? Any help? Thanks!

  36. Criss says:

    I have an error.

    When i open it and when i click on Counter strike source in sam picker it says that : Unhandled exception has occurred your application. If you click Continue the application will ingore this error and attempt to continue. If you click Quit, the application will close immediately.

  37. Criss says:


  38. Matt says:

    error when opening killing floor

  39. Vadim says:

    error ! i cant use spiral knights please help me

  40. Tyler says:

    does it allow me to reset me achievements

  41. Euson says:

    Hello There rick…. when I used SAM6.3 in Mac, it always saids ” Steam is not working…. Pls start steam then run this tool again…”

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    Steam Achievement Manager 6.0 « Rick’s Game Stuff

  43. AsT says:

    when you try to open Achievement Alliance of valiant Arms writes: Steam is not running. Please start steam then tun this tool again. How to fix? Steam restarts.

  44. I am Paper says:

    The new hotfix that I get does not work. When I extract it and use Sam.Picker it says “Error Steam is not running, start steam and try the tool again.” I do this but still does not work. I downloaded the hotfix 6.3 and nothing seems to work. Help?

  45. X_hard_rocker says:

    I want to unlock Spiral Knight achivement, but it says steam is not running D:

  46. Boypeanut says:

    Im running steam with wine and SAM with wine but i get steam is not running.