Steam Achievement Manager games update

The following games have been added to the list of games that have achievements:

  • Torchlight
  • Zero Gear

56 Responses to “Steam Achievement Manager games update”

  1. TheNinja says:

    Speaking of Torchlight, any thoughts of doing a save/item editor for it?

  2. KillerKid says:

    Hey, Tf2 updated like 3 days ago.. will Steam Achivement Manager Still work on TF2?

  3. Dabu says:

    I was wondering, if changing an achievement to unlock, for example the 25 gas cans drop in L4D2, will change the stats too, in the statistic page, showing you made a gas can drop as infected for 25 times or more. Does it do this or not?

  4. Bobby says:


    I used this program to unlock some of my Left 4 Dead achievements. It shows that I have them done on my Steam profile, but when I start the game I still have my old number of completed achievements. Have anybody used the program to unlock Left 4 Dead achievements and is it working?

  5. Tiberius says:

    The Black Hole Sun achievement shows up twice in SAM for Osmos. SAM’s not showing the Viral Master achievement.

    • Tiberius says:

      The double achievement bug is showing up in other games in SAM.

      Just a few:
      -Braid: Closure is showing twice, Traversed World 6 is missing
      -Cogs: Pilot (x2), Keymaster (missing)
      -Defense Grid: Alien Tears (x2), Yellow Beats Green (missing)
      -HL2: EP2_BEAT_ANTLIONGUARDS (x2), Hot Potat0wned (missing)
      -Lucidity: First Steps (x2), Ouch Free (missing)
      -Osmos: Black Hole Sun (x2), Viral Master (missing)
      -Portal: PORTAL_BEAT_2ADVANCEDMAPS (x2), Long Jump (missing)
      …and many other games.

      Before SAM sorts the achievement list, I think it repeats the 1st achievement twice & strips out the last one. This is after Steam’s Jan. 19 update.

      • Jag says:

        Is there any temp fix for this like adding in achievements by ID or do we have to wait until Rick fixes the problem?

        Great program, by the way, Rick. Keep up the awesome work.

  6. Ok, this comment isn’t relevant to the topic, but I couldn’t find an email link. I was wanting to know if Rick or anyone else could help me with something involving Champions Online. I was wondering if it was possible to sound swap files. There is an aggressive growl melee characters use in-game to aggro mobs. That sound I would like to swap with the sound of the Predator scream. Yes Predator as in the movies. My only trouble is that everything seems to be in .hogg and I don’t know how to open .hogg files. Secondly is what I’m wanting to do even possible? I began this thinking it was going to be a simple sound swap as I’ve done in countless other games. Any help would be VERY much appreciated. 🙂

  7. F3ar says:

    Every time I try to load a game, it says ‘Failed’, loads it, but doesn’t show any stats or achievements.

  8. Mansur The Great says:

    thanx for all

  9. H3rdell says:

    Man, look, I really need your help. I know this post is about ‘STEAM’, but it is the newest post in the blog and I need to call your attention. I’m doing a traslation MOD for the game: Red faction Guerilla, and some texts are inside .STR2 files. Your tool to extract the .VPP_PC files, works fine when I rename a str2 to vpp_pc. But when I build a new str2 (vpp_pc renamed) all subtitles in this str2 genarated by your tool disappear in the game. Something don’t works properly when I rebuild a vpp as a str2. Can you help me in something? Maybe you can update your tool to do it works properly in str2 files. Note: all original vpp_pc files works fine and I translated almost intire game, with no problem. Only this str2 files don’t work. Inside these str2 files are the .le_strings, like the vpp_pc. I have a tool to edit these .le_string. Please man, help me, I need to do a 100% tranlation for my language of this great game.

    The file that contain all str2 with sutitles inside is: “personas.vpp_pc” in folder: “Red Faction Guerrilla\build\pc”

    PS: personas.vpp_pc=> file.str2=> file.le_string

    PS2: If you wanna know, I’m a brazilian guy! ^^

    PS3: Soory for my bad english.
    My e-mail/msn:

  10. Panda says:

    Uhm. When I open SAM, theres no dropdown box, and a small amount of games o_0. Any help?

  11. AC Transit Man says:

    Awesome, can you add AVP now? kthx

  12. keknaab says:

    Hey Rick, you don’t seem to have a section on Mass Effect 2 here, so I figured I’d post in the most recent blog entry. Seeing as I’m the only person on earth without a Twitter account (hah!).. this was the only way to get in touch with you, busy man.

    So here’s the thing, I finished Mass Effect 2 and did the final mission, after the final mission I continued to play remaining quests. I then edited this savegame with your rev25 editor. For some reason the new savegame triggered the Omega 4 Relay mission all over again though. Whenever I go to the Galaxy Map, EDI informs me that the Reaper IFF is nearly completed etc. and it wants to send me on the final mission which I already completed. I think it might have something to do with the fact that I just now enabled Legion in my crew in this savegame, and I didn’t have him before doing the final mission. I also did Legion’s Loyalty quest after finishing the Omega 4 Relay quest. Do you have any idea’s on this? Can I disable the Omega 4 Relay quest trigger? I don’t want to play that mission again and lose more people from my crew.


  13. MlC (Fr) says:

    Could you try to add the shattered horizon achievements/stats to your Manager?

    Do you have anything or microsoft achievements (like these in bioshock 2)?

  14. def7ant says:

    Any chance of posting up links to the latest revisions of your ME2 save editor when you release them?
    Thanks, keep up the good work.

  15. gamer says:

    hey find some achievement problems here, for the game Quantz, there’s one duplicate achievement in the SAM (14/15). same problem with the game Toki Tori and Serious Sam, one of the achievements appears to have 2 same slots.

    Hope you can fix this.

  16. comment says:

    I find some achievement problems here, for the game Left 4 Dead 2, there’s one duplicate achievement “WING AND A PLAYER” (49/50).
    Achievement “Sob Story” unavailable (50th)

    Can you fix this, thx

  17. zack says:

    What about Pirates, Vikings, and Knights? I’ve tried adding the appid (17570) but to no avail.

  18. DAMNEMESIS says:




  19. Adam says:

    Thank you for the program, Rick, but I was hoping you could tell me if there is any way to use your program to reset Counter Strike Source play-time?

  20. Jag says:

    It seems the double achievement bug can be corrected by participating in the new Steam client Beta available. Go to Setting, Account tab then under Beta Participation, choose UI Update. Steam will restart, and then it will look brand new and sleek. I actually like this update as all the game information is now integrated into the library page, making it easier to keep track of achievements and whatnot.

  21. Jag says:

    Oh, and one more thing, has anyone at all been able to add games by appID? I’ve tried for Bob Came in Pieces (46000) and Galcon Fusion (44200), but nothing happens in the SAM.Picker window that I can tell. I even hit refresh like it says to do on the download site.

    • gamer says:

      sometimes it appears in Mods be sure to check that after you type the AppId

      • Jag says:

        Thanks for trying to help, but I checked all four different categories after typing in the AppID’s and there’s nothing new in any of them, certainly not the two games I’m looking for.

  22. Aron says:

    Hey Rick, what Tiberius said up there is happening with DIPRIP mod too…the first achiev repeats and the last are not showed…any idea how to fix it? Maybe adding the achiev ID but I dont know how to do it…
    Thx in advance, u made a great software! Congratulations!

  23. Marly says:

    Portal got an update 2 days ago. It seems that the new achievement isn’t mentioned, but one of them is mentioned TWICE on the Manager.

  24. Scott says:

    Hi Can You Please Add Napoleon:Total war Please!

  25. Bill says:

    Please add AvP 2010…

  26. Kripling says:

    Hi, great app, used it to lock achievements in TF2, but in your “SAM” Page, you should have a stats section, a section that tells how many people that have told you they have been vac-banned, and their weapons taken away, so we know if theres a big chance of getting vac-banned or weapons taken away…

  27. WhiteLion says:

    hi rick!
    impressive tools you creat :D… I ve not found a single way to contact you by mail/messenger. (OK I didn´t search much)
    As you can see (website) we do work on same kind of stuff. so my question: are you interessted in doing some projects together with our coders?
    feel free to email or contact by skype (nick:”whitelionatx”)
    thx WhiteLion

  28. besweeet says:

    Hey Rick, this is off-topic to this post, but I had some questions about the Just Cause 2 gibbed stuff. If you can please email me at, then that would be greatly appreciated.

  29. uhh help says:

    I have ran this program on accident while in a tf2 server. But the .exe wasnt in a folder and it said the program was not responding. So will I get vac banned?

  30. jabber says:

    gibbs.. can you email me. (at my email id above). i need to connect with you on something related to HAWX on ps3. couldn’t find your email id dropping in a note here.

  31. Shoshomiga says:

    Hello Rick, thanks for your tool!

    I have a feature request if it’s possible, can you add the ability to change the time played that appears on your steam community profile (not stats).


  32. xsabatox says:

    I would like to know if i can make it work on Left 4 Dead 2 “Non Steam” and other Valve Non Steam games… or if you could tell me wich file do i have do edit so i can reset my achievements…


  33. c0nteX says:

    When are you going to add survival statistics in Left 4 Dead 2?

  34. jabba says:

    I deleted all achievements and statistics in Left 4 Dead with that bomb thing, but now I cant get any achievement at all. For example I just played No Mercy campaign but I didnt get achievement.

  35. Diego says:

    Hey man, rest in peace. +

  36. Crew says:

    Will be Achievement unlocker for Aliens vs. Predator ?

  37. SwissCM says:

    Hello there man, I need your help. I’m attempting to extract the DLC from Saints Row 2 on the XBOX and convert it to something the PC version could recognise. It’s probably a fools errand, but I figure it’s worth a shot. Main problem is that it seems the archive format is a little different (vpp_xbox2 as opposed to vpp_pc). It doesn’t appear to be encrypted since theres some plain text throughout the file, but your extractor doesn’t seem to recognise it.

    I assume you have my email address since I entered above. I’d like to hear back from you.

  38. steamuser says:

    Works great. I love you.

  39. Cheese says:

    SAM is missing the WeldingPoints stat for Killing Floor, and there’s a duplicate of BloatKills for me. Is there any way to fix this? It seems related to other people’s duplicate achievement bug.

  40. Arash N says:

    After my steam update lastnight. Sam dosent work with steam anymore. and it is keep telling me steam is not running “ps. my steam is open and running”

    • kibitz3r says:

      hes going to update it soon enough just wait until he does and keep checking 🙂

  41. Pershing says:

    Can i get ban for achievemnets from dark void zero?